I tried to follow instructions to launch a Nebraska server, but ended up first with a debugger, and second a confused Morphic. This is in Squeak 5.2, on a Mac.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a new Morphic project
2. Do it: NebraskaServerMorph serveWorld: World (this comes from NebraskaServer class comment)
3. Enter a name
4. Witness the debugger[1] [2] and the name now attached to the hand
5. World menu -> previous project (or Projects menu -> Previous Project)
6. witness the confusion and the name now removed from the hand
7. Witness strange behavior with the hand: when moving around, the cursor may change its graphic, but not in relation to what's actually under it in this world/project. Clicking on things may or may not have any effect. You may (or may not) be able to re-enter the other project by clicking on its thumbnail.
Is there some better way to launch than "NebraskaServerMorph serveWorld: World"? The class comment has some text in red: "Current version has been modified so that the server serves the world in which it was launched. Other variations are certainly possible."
[] in ConnectionQueue>>initPortNumber:queueLength:
[] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
[2] interesting, I didn't know one could supply an Interval of port numbers like (9091 to: 9099)