Need help with a "Candy Snatcher Detector" project

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Need help with a "Candy Snatcher Detector" project

Steve Thomas

 I have a group of kids and we are working on building a Candy Snatcher Detector.  We are using a Makey Makey we built Candy Detectors and can tell when a kid takes more than one candy.  The kids also build two versions of a "Silly String Shooter" which will shoot the offending Candy Snatcher.  The problem we are trying to solve is how to trigger the Silly String Shooter.  In one version they are using Lego NXT to fire the Silly String. (we may switch to Arduino in one version, but I would still need to trigger the Arduino from Scratch).  In the other they build a pneumatic lever, which will probably also be run from NXT. We had the following ideas:

1) Have the Scratch program trigger the lighting of an LED, which a carefully constructed NXT light sensor could detect and then fire the silly string

2) Somehow send a signal to the NXT from Scratch

3) Have a small section of the screen (which we have the light detector pointing toward (with light shields so it only sees one small corner) and we change the color from black to white on that section when we want to fire the NXT.

Okay, having asked this, I realized Ricardo and team have built Physical Etoys (which I will be downloading and playing with shortly, about time!!!)


         Does Physical Etoys support Scratch Connect?  If not, can I simply load in the ScratchConnect-ky.6.mcz from squeaksource?

Well we shall try.



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Re: Need help with a "Candy Snatcher Detector" project

Ricardo Moran
Oops, I'm very sorry I missed this mail. As you probably know by now, Physical Etoys 2.0 is based on Etoys 5 so yes, it supports ScratchConnect :)


On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:03 AM, Steve Thomas <[hidden email]> wrote:

 I have a group of kids and we are working on building a Candy Snatcher Detector.  We are using a Makey Makey we built Candy Detectors and can tell when a kid takes more than one candy.  The kids also build two versions of a "Silly String Shooter" which will shoot the offending Candy Snatcher.  The problem we are trying to solve is how to trigger the Silly String Shooter.  In one version they are using Lego NXT to fire the Silly String. (we may switch to Arduino in one version, but I would still need to trigger the Arduino from Scratch).  In the other they build a pneumatic lever, which will probably also be run from NXT. We had the following ideas:

1) Have the Scratch program trigger the lighting of an LED, which a carefully constructed NXT light sensor could detect and then fire the silly string

2) Somehow send a signal to the NXT from Scratch

3) Have a small section of the screen (which we have the light detector pointing toward (with light shields so it only sees one small corner) and we change the color from black to white on that section when we want to fire the NXT.

Okay, having asked this, I realized Ricardo and team have built Physical Etoys (which I will be downloading and playing with shortly, about time!!!)


         Does Physical Etoys support Scratch Connect?  If not, can I simply load in the ScratchConnect-ky.6.mcz from squeaksource?

Well we shall try.



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