Hello all,
With the help of some people on the list, I have made some progress with using COM automation with Squeak. I am still stuck with a few steps, so I asking the list again, to see if anyone can push me in the right direction. I am trying to access a particular COM object from Squeak. Most of the indicators I can find, say to use it through the .NetBridge. The site <http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/3773> shows how to turn a COM object into a .Net assembly. I have done this and that part works fine. The documentation for the COM object I am trying to access can be found at <http://www.sagesoftware.com/education/webinar/MAS90ObjectInterface.pdf>. It has code in VBS in the documentation that works. I also have sample code in VB and C# that works against the original COM object. I have the .Net assembly working to a point. Once I get to a certain point in the code, I can get no further. The code is below. Hopefully someone can nudge me in the right direction, as I have tried to contact the author, with no success. Or, alternatively, if anyone knows a better way to access COM from Squeak, I am all ears. The code is below, with the part that fails commented. Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me out. ----------------------------------------------------------- companyCode := 'ABC'. username := 'sup'. password := 'sup'. oScript := nil. oSS := nil. Transcript clear; cr. dotNet := DotNet startNew. dotNet Assembly loadFrom: 'ProvideX.dll'. oScript := dotNet ScriptClass new. init := oScript Init: 'C:\Program Files\Sage Software\MAS 90\Version4\MAS90\Home'. Transcript show: 'State: ',oScript State asString;cr. oSS := oScript NewObject: 'Sy_Session'. Transcript show: 'PathSystem: ',oSS sPathSystem;cr. Transcript show: 'nLogon: ',oSS nLogon asString; cr. r := oSS nSetUser: username pass: password. (r = 0) ifTrue: [Transcript show: 'User set failed: '; show: oSS sLastErrorMsg; cr] ifFalse: [Transcript show: 'User set: '; show: oSS sUserName; cr]. Transcript show: 'nLogon: ',oSS nLogon asString; cr. Transcript show: 'nInitialized: ',oSS nInitialized asString; cr. Transcript show: 'sWorkstationName: ',oSS sWorkstationName; cr. r := oSS nSetCompany: companyCode. (r = 0) ifTrue: [Transcript show: 'Company code failed: '; show: oSS sLastErrorMsg; show: companyCode; cr] ifFalse: [Transcript show: 'Company code set: '; show: oSS sCompanyCode; cr]. r := oSS nSetDate: 'G/L' Date: '20070321'. (r = 0) ifTrue: [Transcript show: 'Date set failed: '; show: oSS sLastErrorMsg; cr] ifFalse: [Transcript show: 'Date set.'; cr]. r := oSS nSetModule: 'G/L'. (r = 0) ifTrue: [Transcript show: 'Module set failed: '; show: oSS sLastErrorMsg; cr] ifFalse: [Transcript show: 'Module set.'; cr]. " ************* This line fails with: doesNotUnderstand ***********" mySecur := oScript NewObject: 'Sy_Security' with: oSS with: 0 . task := oSS nLookupTask: 'AR_Customer_ui'. Transcript show: 'LookupTask: ',task asString; cr. mySecur := oSS nSetProgram: task. Transcript show: mySecur; cr. sec := oSS oSecurity. Transcript show: sec. z := mySecur RoleList. x := mySecur nCreateAccess. Transcript show: x. r := oSS nCleanUp. r := oSS DropObject. Transcript cr. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
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