New Cog VMs available

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New Cog VMs available

Eliot Miranda-2

Happy New Year!

CogVM source as per VMMaker.oscog-eem.1008/r3205

Send cannotReturn for sideways return attemps when there's an unwind-protect.
Old code would erroneously answer unwind-protect even if home could'nt be found.

e.g. This should raise cannot return:

| b |
b := [ ^ 42 ].
[ [b value] ensure: [1] ] fork.
Processor yield

just as this does:

| b |
b := [ ^ 42 ].
[ b value ] fork.
Processor yield

Speed up non-local return processing by using the fact that 98% of the time
returns are within the same page.  The search for the home context following
finding an unwind is unnecessary iff the home is married and on the same page.

Refactor commonReturn to eiminate CoInterpreter's version, moving the
divergence into maybeReturnToMachineCodeFrame.

Ensure search for home through the block's closure uses followField:ofObject:.

(related) Revisit the Sista bug fix for followed contexts during scavenging in
VMMaker.oscog-eem.913 of 24 October 2014.  Split isWidowedContext: into a more
careful version, isWidowedContextDuringGC: for use only during scavenging.

Nuke obsolete RCS vrsion info

Fix argument count slips in three primitives.
Check for sufficient memory in two-way become.

Fix checking of boolean arg in primitiveArrayBecomeOneWayCopyHash.

Make primitiveSlotAt[Put] cope with non-pointer objects.

Change the pixel-touch-pixel prim to allow LPI arguments for the color values

Update the ScratchPlugin bilinear scaling prim to include the correct alpha channel value for non-transparent output pixels.

No longer build or upload the Newspeak V3 VMs, now superseded by Spur.

Use the gcc/clang built-ins for CAS and atomic increment if available.


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Re: New Cog VMs available

Chris Cunnington-4
Happy New Year, Eliot, 

I’m wondering if I can ask you a question? Owing to my ignorance, it may seem odd. 
Here it is: How long has it been since you re-compiled the socket plugin sources? I figure it’s been more than six months.

The confusion I have is that asked you to make a change to the Cog sources, which you did. [1] 
Now, to me, this suggests to me that every subsequent Linux Cog vm in mirandaband would have the systemd capability they asked for. 
But that’s not my experience. 
See, the SVN sources have what I want, but I have the impression that your binaries do not. 
The reason I can infer anything about your compilation process is that I added the diff file [2] and compiled my own interpreter vm. And it works on my Ubuntu laptop. Just like the video. 
So i thought to myself: “How could it be that there’s a difference between the Cog sources and the vm binaries at mirandabanda?”
And I figured it was that you don't recompile everything every time you make a change. You probably have an army of foo.o object files sitting unchanged for long periods of time. 
And being they can compile their own Cog vm, which they probably have done.
So, again, how long has it been since you re-compiled the plugin sources? Any answer you could give to this question will no doubt prove extremely illuminating to me. 

Thanks in advance, 

[1] ProvidedTCPSocketType 

On Jan 1, 2015, at 11:28 PM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:

Happy New Year!

CogVM source as per VMMaker.oscog-eem.1008/r3205

Send cannotReturn for sideways return attemps when there's an unwind-protect.
Old code would erroneously answer unwind-protect even if home could'nt be found.

e.g. This should raise cannot return:

| b |
b := [ ^ 42 ].
[ [b value] ensure: [1] ] fork.
Processor yield

just as this does:

| b |
b := [ ^ 42 ].
[ b value ] fork.
Processor yield

Speed up non-local return processing by using the fact that 98% of the time
returns are within the same page.  The search for the home context following
finding an unwind is unnecessary iff the home is married and on the same page.

Refactor commonReturn to eiminate CoInterpreter's version, moving the
divergence into maybeReturnToMachineCodeFrame.

Ensure search for home through the block's closure uses followField:ofObject:.

(related) Revisit the Sista bug fix for followed contexts during scavenging in
VMMaker.oscog-eem.913 of 24 October 2014.  Split isWidowedContext: into a more
careful version, isWidowedContextDuringGC: for use only during scavenging.

Nuke obsolete RCS vrsion info

Fix argument count slips in three primitives.
Check for sufficient memory in two-way become.

Fix checking of boolean arg in primitiveArrayBecomeOneWayCopyHash.

Make primitiveSlotAt[Put] cope with non-pointer objects.

Change the pixel-touch-pixel prim to allow LPI arguments for the color values

Update the ScratchPlugin bilinear scaling prim to include the correct alpha channel value for non-transparent output pixels.

No longer build or upload the Newspeak V3 VMs, now superseded by Spur.

Use the gcc/clang built-ins for CAS and atomic increment if available.
