Now I am close to give you a way of geting back comment.
To do so I provide a linked list of token and a stream to navigate through it.
I have disscusse with Damien Pollet who is doing gutenberg and Stephane. So we have thought about a
interface on the RBNode:
1. A method to get back comment befor:
"a comment for statementA"
2. Amethod to get comment after:
statementA. "comment for statementA"
"this one belong to the next node"
Do you see somthing else?
I have a difficulty:
Suppose you have this:
methodeA: bob
"ok for this one"
^[] "can get this one"
The last comment is a bit difficult to catch beceause in the statement above we don't have token
inside. So we can't navigate through it.
The only way I see to get back is to put first/last token at parse time but do we really want this?
(we have the same problem with RBArrayNode if you write: {})
Thanks for any comments :)