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Nos hemos enterado que...

Edgar J. De Cleene
Para los que no twitean, no se hacen la CaraConUnLibro , nada che...

> Eastman Kodak Co. will return to U.S. District Court next week to seek $1
> billion in damages from Sun Microsystems Inc. now that a federal jury has
> ruled in its favor in a dispute over the Java computer language.
> The jury decided in Rochester on Friday that Sun infringed on technology
> belonging to Kodak when it developed and introduced Java more than a decade
> ago. The computer language is now used heavily by software developers, on the
> Internet and in computer schools.
> Espero que el juez les de cadena perpetua a los inventores, propagadores y
> amentes de Java.


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Re: Nos hemos enterado que...

jaaa, si a los d ejava le dan cadena perpetua, entonces no quiero pensar lo
que les toca a los de VB y casi todo lo de M$ .........

2011/2/7 Edgar J. De Cleene <[hidden email]>

> Para los que no twitean, no se hacen la CaraConUnLibro , nada che...
> > Eastman Kodak Co. will return to U.S. District Court next week to seek $1
> > billion in damages from Sun Microsystems Inc. now that a federal jury has
> > ruled in its favor in a dispute over the Java computer language.
> >
> > The jury decided in Rochester on Friday that Sun infringed on technology
> > belonging to Kodak when it developed and introduced Java more than a
> decade
> > ago. The computer language is now used heavily by software developers, on
> the
> > Internet and in computer schools.
> >
> > Espero que el juez les de cadena perpetua a los inventores, propagadores
> y
> > amentes de Java.
> Edgar