Notice | On inbox treatment, pleaes use "move to" instead of "copy to"

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Notice | On inbox treatment, pleaes use "move to" instead of "copy to"

Hi all!

I notice several, already-merged, versions in the inbox: 

When treating inbox versions, please use "move to trunk" or "move to treated" from the Web interface. The "copy to" from within the image does not clean up the inbox.

... Can we have that "move" as a button besides "copy" in Monitcello tools? Is a move operation possible through that interface?


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Re: Notice | On inbox treatment, pleaes use "move to" instead of "copy to"

Chris Muller-3

On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 4:47 AM Marcel Taeumel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all!

I notice several, already-merged, versions in the inbox: 

When treating inbox versions, please use "move to trunk" or "move to treated" from the Web interface. The "copy to" from within the image does not clean up the inbox.

... Can we have that "move" as a button besides "copy" in Monitcello tools? Is a move operation possible through that interface?

Seems like it should be possible, the method which that button on the web-interface executes is


we would just need to figure out how to integrate that into the non-web API.  Unfortunately, I cannot take it on at this time, but the code is in the "SqueakSource" package at


if someone else has time to do it.

