4 tests are failing due to the following error:
(ObjectiveCBridge classObjectForName: 'UIApplication') sharedApplication. #sharedApplication -> DNU. (The error seems to be in the primitive primitiveGetMethodSignatureForSelectoron:, which returns 0 as an external memory address). Steps taken so far: 1. I checked the Apple docs and everything seems correct. 2. I successfully evaluated the following in the same image as a sanity check: bundle := ObjectiveCObject findClassName: 'NSBundle'. aBundle := bundle bundleWithPath: '/Applications/' asNSStringUTF8. aBundle bundleIdentifier asString. What is going on here? Thanks. Sean
Sean |
UIApplication is an iOS class that does not exist on OS-x. The test
will run on iOS, bur not on OS-x. Check the docs to see what the proper class to use on OS-x On Thursday, May 19, 2011, Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> wrote: > 4 tests are failing due to the following error: > > (ObjectiveCBridge classObjectForName: 'UIApplication') sharedApplication. > > #sharedApplication -> DNU. (The error seems to be in the primitive > primitiveGetMethodSignatureForSelectoron:, which returns 0 as an external > memory address). > > Steps taken so far: > 1. I checked the Apple docs and everything seems correct. > 2. I successfully evaluated the following in the same image as a sanity > check: > bundle := ObjectiveCObject findClassName: 'NSBundle'. > aBundle := bundle bundleWithPath: '/Applications/' asNSStringUTF8. > aBundle bundleIdentifier asString. > > What is going on here? > > Thanks. > Sean > > -- > View this message in context: > Sent from the Smalltalk VM - Beginners mailing list archive at > _______________________________________________ > VM-beginners mailing list > [hidden email] > > -- =========================================================================== John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]> Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd. =========================================================================== _______________________________________________ VM-beginners mailing list [hidden email] |
Thanks John. I replaced it with NSApplication, and got (with help from Mathieu Suen's blog; although I'm pretty much just making things up when I get stuck): | app nsRect rect nsWindow window origin size | app := (ObjectiveCBridge classObjectForName: 'NSApplication') sharedApplication. origin := NSPoint externalNew. origin x: 0.0; y: 0.0. size := NSSize externalNew. size width: 100.0; height: 100.0. rect := NSRect externalNew. rect origin: origin; size: size. nsWindow := ObjectiveCBridge classObjectForName: 'NSWindow'. window := nsWindow alloc initWithContentRect: rect styleMask: 15 backing: 2 "Objc.ObjcAppKit nsBackingStoreBuffered" defer: (Character value: 1). window setTitle: 'Test windows' asNSString; center; orderFront: 0; contentView. app run. This time it choked on #initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer: which eventually called nsInvocationSetStructureType:index:value which tried to call #asByteArray on NSRect, which doesn't exist. NSRect is a subclass of ExternalStructure with #fields ^ #((origin 'NSPoint') (size 'NSSize')) NSPoint is a subclass of ExternalStructure with #fields ^ #((x 'float') (y 'float')) NSSize is a subclass of ExternalStructure with #fields ^ #((width 'float') (height 'float'))
Sean |
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