Odd desktop size

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Odd desktop size

joe biggins

I am using squeak 4.2.  Ive written a program under linux, saved the
image then opened the program in windows (again using squeak 4.2).
The program works except the desktop is a different size.  Under
windows it looks as if the squeak desktop has zoomed in, and some of
my lovingly placed morphs are hanging off the edge of the world!

Is this a known problem, is there anything I can do about it (ie make
the squeak desktop size the same under Windows the same as under
linux.  Just to make sure is wasn't the machines I have checked the
resolutions on both machines,  it definitely seems to be a squeak
thing rather than a windows vs linux thing

Many thanks

PS Ive been using squeak now for about 2 months and I am totally in
love! Why isn't it taught in every university?  why isn't this the no1
skill employers / software companies are looking for, it is quite
frankly, amazing
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Re: Odd desktop size

Herbert König
Hi Joe,

don't know if this is a known problen.
jb> Is this a known problem, is there anything I can do about it (ie make
jb> the squeak desktop size the same under Windows the same as under

World extent

gives you the client area size of the Squeak window and:

  depth: DisplayScreen actualScreenDepth
  width: 500
  height: 400
  fullscreen: false.

sets that size to the desired value.

You can put this in the startup code of Squeak if you only want to
start the image at your defined size. Or you put it into a morph's
step method so that after dragging the Squeak window size it snaps

jb> skill employers / software companies are looking for, it is quite
jb> frankly, amazing

:-)) I agree.



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