On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 11:55:44PM +0200, Niko Schwarz wrote:
> I tried to understand slang, and walked some meters through VMMaker. I
> had a fresh 3.8 basic image running and the current VMMaker installed
> and guess what: VMMaker didn't work!
> That is: VMMaker openInWorld wouldn't run, and VMMaker default wouldn't
> run either.
> The problem was that VMMaker called an unexisting method "wordSize". I
> hope I fixed it, here's a changeset.
Hi Niko,
The #wordSize method first appeared in Squeak as part of the 64 bit
Squeak work by Ian and Dan. It does not really belong in the VMMaker
package, because it may be useful for lots of things other than
VMMaker. If it's not in your image, it just means that you are
using an older image with a newer VMMaker.
Your changeset will work fine as a workaround, but I would suggest
that you just use a newer image for your VMMaker work. There may be
some other changes in the image that would be important (I'm not
sure), and a newer image will give you a better chance that VMMaker
and the platform sources will all play together nicely.