On the loading of community supported packages

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On the loading of community supported packages

Chris Cunnington
With the imminent arrival of the Jenkins CI server testing community supported packages (CSP), the community may be able to create an format for CSP.

The Jenkins server will test CSP and produce URLs similar to this:


That means URLs for tested Installer scripts will be available. It would be easy to create a class for loading, so  you could write in a Workspace something like "CSPLoader seaside". (I think we have to agree that people don't like GUIs for loading packages.)

Maybe a format could be created that is easily parsible for use by various loading tools? A quick idea is an array with three elements, as that is easy to parse [1]:

RaffLoader loadPackages: #(#(ss)#('WebClient')#(
        'WebClient-Help-ar.10.mcz'    )).

Any loading tool could download such a formatted file from the Jenkins Workspace of a CSP and fit it to its way of working.



loadPackages: anArray
    | installer repository project packages |
    repository := anArray first first.
    project := anArray second first.
    packages := anArray third.
    installer := (Installer perform: repository) project: project.
    packages do: [ :each | installer install: each ]

Or perhaps an Xtreams PEGs? I get the feeling PEGs can become addictive.

input := 'Single paragraph with *bold* and _italic_ text and a [link]' reading.
        wikiParser parse: 'Page' stream: input actor: PEG.WikiGenerator new