OnScreenKeyboardMorph :-)

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OnScreenKeyboardMorph :-)

Tony Garnock-Jones-5

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Re: OnScreenKeyboardMorph :-)

Herbert König

Coool!! How are right/middle click (panned to be) handled?



Am 05.10.20 um 17:04 schrieb Tony Garnock-Jones:
image snipped


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Re: OnScreenKeyboardMorph :-)

In reply to this post by Tony Garnock-Jones-5
Yeah! B-)

Am 05.10.2020 17:04:20 schrieb Tony Garnock-Jones <[hidden email]>:


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Re: OnScreenKeyboardMorph :-)

Tony Garnock-Jones-5
In reply to this post by Herbert König
I'm going to see if control-click and cmd-click (via virtual keyboard)
will work out OK. If not (and perhaps in addition) I will experiment
with something like in Vanessa's recently-reposted video from 2010, with
a little "shift" key in a screen corner.


On 10/5/20 5:09 PM, Herbert wrote:

> Coool!! How are right/middle click (panned to be) handled?
> Cheers,
> Herbert
> Am 05.10.20 um 17:04 schrieb Tony Garnock-Jones:
>> image snipped

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Re: OnScreenKeyboardMorph :-)

Looks cool!

For phone-sized screens you probably want one-handed operations. I'd imagine tapping e.g. alt would cause the next tap to have the "alt" modifier bit set. So if tapping a key after alt, it would be alt-key, but when tapping outside the keyboard after tapping alt, it would be interpreted as blue-click. 


On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 10:24 AM Tony Garnock-Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm going to see if control-click and cmd-click (via virtual keyboard)
will work out OK. If not (and perhaps in addition) I will experiment
with something like in Vanessa's recently-reposted video from 2010, with
a little "shift" key in a screen corner.


On 10/5/20 5:09 PM, Herbert wrote:
> Coool!! How are right/middle click (panned to be) handled?
> Cheers,
> Herbert
> Am 05.10.20 um 17:04 schrieb Tony Garnock-Jones:
>> image snipped

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Re: OnScreenKeyboardMorph :-)

Tony Garnock-Jones-5
Yes, that's exactly what I had in mind!

I gave it a good go yesterday, but don't have enough Morphic chops to
quite get it to work right: the problem was that if I let the ALT
modifier apply to the next click, then there are two possibilities:

 - the next click is to a key on the keyboard
 - the next click is off the keyboard somewhere

Really you only want the synthetic blue-click when it's off the
keyboard, but you don't know that at the time you're synthesising the

It'd be interesting if anyone with more Morphic experience than I could
suggest a good way forward!

I ended up giving up and switching to having three red/yellow/blue
buttons at the bottom of the keyboard that act like shift keys and
require multiple touches simultaneously. (Image attached)

So the keyboard shift/ctrl/alt work as you describe, but only for
entering text. The coloured buttons at the bottom work differently, more
like a real keyboard's shift key, and only for clicking on things.

Also there are lots of weirdnesses around switching projects, so it's
definitely pre-alpha! Also some oddness with scrollbars not being
draggable (though windows are draggable). And for some reason popping up
a halo on the World via a simulated yellow-click results in 100% CPU
usage and a hung image that needs the VM to be interrupted? (And an
unrelated issue, I can't seem to disable balloon help.)

But in the end I feel pretty happy with it. It works surprisingly well
for a day's hacking.

(I just now used the on-screen keyboard to reprogram the on-screen
keyboard to have an escape key! Woo! Final step: OnScreenKeyboardMorph
rebuildFlap, alt-D, reopen the flap... presto, an escape key! Finally, a
programmable cellphone)


On 10/6/20 3:20 AM, Vanessa Freudenberg wrote:

> Looks cool!
> For phone-sized screens you probably want one-handed operations. I'd
> imagine tapping e.g. alt would cause the next tap to have the "alt"
> modifier bit set. So if tapping a key after alt, it would be alt-key,
> but when tapping outside the keyboard after tapping alt, it would be
> interpreted as blue-click. 
> Vanessa
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 10:24 AM Tony Garnock-Jones
> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>     I'm going to see if control-click and cmd-click (via virtual keyboard)
>     will work out OK. If not (and perhaps in addition) I will experiment
>     with something like in Vanessa's recently-reposted video from 2010, with
>     a little "shift" key in a screen corner.
>     Tony
>     On 10/5/20 5:09 PM, Herbert wrote:
>     > Coool!! How are right/middle click (panned to be) handled?
>     >
>     > Cheers,
>     >
>     >
>     > Herbert
>     >
>     > Am 05.10.20 um 17:04 schrieb Tony Garnock-Jones:
>     >> image snipped
>     >>
>     >
>     >

PXL_20201006_074301201.jpg (104K) Download Attachment
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Re: OnScreenKeyboardMorph :-)


Re distinguishing click areas - for “my” modifier button the morph registered a screen rectangle with the “system” so the event hacking could test against that in more low level code. when the morph was moved or resized it would update that rectangle. (at last that’s what I remember, is quite possible that’s not how it actually worked at all)


On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 01:28 Tony Garnock-Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:
Yes, that's exactly what I had in mind!

I gave it a good go yesterday, but don't have enough Morphic chops to
quite get it to work right: the problem was that if I let the ALT
modifier apply to the next click, then there are two possibilities:

 - the next click is to a key on the keyboard
 - the next click is off the keyboard somewhere

Really you only want the synthetic blue-click when it's off the
keyboard, but you don't know that at the time you're synthesising the

It'd be interesting if anyone with more Morphic experience than I could
suggest a good way forward!

I ended up giving up and switching to having three red/yellow/blue
buttons at the bottom of the keyboard that act like shift keys and
require multiple touches simultaneously. (Image attached)

So the keyboard shift/ctrl/alt work as you describe, but only for
entering text. The coloured buttons at the bottom work differently, more
like a real keyboard's shift key, and only for clicking on things.

Also there are lots of weirdnesses around switching projects, so it's
definitely pre-alpha! Also some oddness with scrollbars not being
draggable (though windows are draggable). And for some reason popping up
a halo on the World via a simulated yellow-click results in 100% CPU
usage and a hung image that needs the VM to be interrupted? (And an
unrelated issue, I can't seem to disable balloon help.)

But in the end I feel pretty happy with it. It works surprisingly well
for a day's hacking.

(I just now used the on-screen keyboard to reprogram the on-screen
keyboard to have an escape key! Woo! Final step: OnScreenKeyboardMorph
rebuildFlap, alt-D, reopen the flap... presto, an escape key! Finally, a
programmable cellphone)


On 10/6/20 3:20 AM, Vanessa Freudenberg wrote:
> Looks cool!
> For phone-sized screens you probably want one-handed operations. I'd
> imagine tapping e.g. alt would cause the next tap to have the "alt"
> modifier bit set. So if tapping a key after alt, it would be alt-key,
> but when tapping outside the keyboard after tapping alt, it would be
> interpreted as blue-click. 
> Vanessa
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 10:24 AM Tony Garnock-Jones
> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>     I'm going to see if control-click and cmd-click (via virtual keyboard)
>     will work out OK. If not (and perhaps in addition) I will experiment
>     with something like in Vanessa's recently-reposted video from 2010, with
>     a little "shift" key in a screen corner.
>     Tony
>     On 10/5/20 5:09 PM, Herbert wrote:
>     > Coool!! How are right/middle click (panned to be) handled?
>     >
>     > Cheers,
>     >
>     >
>     > Herbert
>     >
>     > Am 05.10.20 um 17:04 schrieb Tony Garnock-Jones:
>     >> image snipped
>     >>
>     >
>     >