Once upon a time, in a code forest ...

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Once upon a time, in a code forest ...

[That phrase made me think: "we will remove BookMorph because it is a
giant huge terrible mess. Now if you want multimedia publishing or
creation have you look at openSophie? Stef"]

... some funny looking dwarfs were busy removing code ...

That's like walking through a wonderful forest and randomly removing
trees or branches, just because the aren't pretty enough or their
"copyright" is unclear.

Now you have removed many trees in the forest and replaced them by
perfectly looking houses. And you have chased away all that funny
animals, that were living in that forest, playing around within that
unperfect, wild nature, therefore being motivated to participate to help
making wood glades or creating funny things ...

Now, thanks to some replacements of that old roots, the perfect looking
houses can move as triple as fast in the wind, which even can blow much
faster now, but the rest of the plants in this forest can't compete the
wind, so it is planned to remove them completely.

And - yes, the copyright of those new houses is much clearer now. But
the wild bear, the badger, the lynx, they still prefer to live in their
old caves, giving a shit on who created them in former times, completely
ignoring those nice and perfectly looking houses .... that - by the way
- can be found everywhere else outside this forest - bigger, greater,
much nicer looking and even storm proofed.

And the animals in this forest - being a bit sad about those happenings,
they lived happily ever after, hopefully.

Have fun!

Tnx for reading, Guido Stepken

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Re: Once upon a time, in a code forest ...

Stefan Schmiedl
On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 05:05:25 +0200
stepken <[hidden email]> wrote:

> ... some funny looking dwarfs were busy removing code ...

ein etwas unglücklich gewählter Auftakt, das setzt die Tonart
auf "ad hominem".

> That's like walking through a wonderful forest and randomly removing
> trees or branches, just because the aren't pretty enough or their
> "copyright" is unclear.

oder wie Unkrautjäten im Gemüsebeet, bei dem mir die Bohnen wichtiger
als der Löwenzahn sind.

Dieses ganze polemische Gejammere um Squeak und Pharo ödet mich an.

Mehr hab ich dazu nicht zu sagen, ich geh wieder an meine Arbeit.
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Re: Once upon a time, in a code forest ...

Michael Haupt-3
Hallo Stefan,

2009/7/15 Stefan Schmiedl <[hidden email]>:
> Mehr hab ich dazu nicht zu sagen, ich geh wieder an meine Arbeit.

"Emotionslogiker!" ;-)

