Open Monticello repository d'ont answer

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Open Monticello repository d'ont answer

i work with pharo1.0-10509.

I d'ont understand because but today after some work,

 when i do the command to open a specific Monticello  repository the image do in loop and don't answer anything.

I need to force the image  system shutdown .

I can reset something about connections system in pharo ?

I have test with one hold image and all work fine in the same notebook.

Another point :

        when the pharo user interface don't answer, but for example the kom request go

        i can interrupt a user interface running  process ?

On MacBook i press the CMD - but the system don't change .

Thanks for any considerations,


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Re: Open Monticello repository d'ont answer

Colin Putney

On 2010-03-19, at 10:12 AM, [hidden email] wrote:

> HI,
> i work with pharo1.0-10509.
> I d'ont understand because but today after some work,
> when i do the command to open a specific Monticello  repository the image do in loop and don't answer anything.
> I need to force the image  system shutdown .

Hi Dario,

Did you perhaps mean to post this to the Pharo list?

If not, and you wanted to get help here, could you tell us what repository you're using? Is it an HTTP repository? Is it only that repository, or do you have this problem with all repositories?

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Re: Open Monticello repository d'ont answer
In reply to this post by

Hi Colin,

#	Did you perhaps mean to post this to the Pharo list?
I do it tomorrow.
#	If not, and you wanted to get help here, could you tell us what repository you're using? Is it an HTTP repository? Is it only that repository, or do you have this problem with all repositories?

I using http repository and i have problem with all http repository.

Today i do some work  with GMStaticMapGeocoding and begin with this problematic.
But i d'ont understand the start point of this problematic.

Now when submit one GMStaticMapGeocoding request  i have the same problem.

I think to have problem relative to http support ( but i don't know it ).

It's possible to have http in wrong state ?



i work with pharo1.0-10509.

I d'ont understand because but today after some work,

when i do the command to open a specific Monticello  repository  the image do in loop and don't answer anything.

I need to force the image  system shutdown .

I can reset something about connections system in pharo ?

I have test with one hold image and all work fine in the same notebook.

Another point :

when the pharo user interface don't answer, but for example the kom request go

i can interrupt a user interface running  process ?

On MacBook i press the CMD -  but the system don't change .

Thanks for any considerations, 



i work with pharo1.0-10509.

I d'ont understand because but today after some work,

when i do the command to open a specific Monticello  repository the image do in loop and don't answer anything.

I need to force the image  system shutdown .

I can reset something about connections system in pharo ?

I have test with one hold image and all work fine in the same notebook.

Another point :

when the pharo user interface don't answer, but for example the kom request go

i can interrupt a user interface running  process ?

On MacBook i press the CMD - but the system don't change .

Thanks for any considerations,
