OpenGL integerated wtih Squeak IDE

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OpenGL integerated wtih Squeak IDE

This is a very poor attempt to do what Matt Fulmer did with OpenCobalt:
integrate overlapping Morphic windows with OpenGL.

The only advantage is that it doesn't require OpenCobalt.

The entire World is being rendered onto an OpenGL texture which is
updated with every tick. With the proper scaling , the destop could be
repositioned along the z access at any point within the fustrum and
still keep the default mouse handling. Add mouse handling from OpenGL
itself, and you can have 2D widgets projected onto 3D objects, not to
mention  3D widgets fully integrated with the Squeak desktop.

Time to revive/revitalize Balloon3D, perhaps? Whatever happened to 3D

There's obviously a great deal of room for optimization, and of course,
the sky is the limit for what could be done in terms of lighting,
materials, etc.

Using more modern APIs of OpenGL (I'm using immediate mode! (!) and only
stuff from the first 6 NeHe tutorials) one could have an awful lot of
interesting stuff going on.


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Re: [etoys-dev] OpenGL integerated wtih Squeak IDE

Lawson English wrote:
> This is a very poor attempt to do what Matt Fulmer did with OpenCobalt:
> integrate overlapping Morphic windows with OpenGL.

This is a really interesting demo. Do you have a public repository of your code?

> Time to revive/revitalize Balloon3D, perhaps? Whatever happened to 3D
> Morphic?

Also, Andreas Raab built an interesting proof of concept for Etoys in
Croquet with his Tweak UI, before he moved to Telepace. I think the
scripting code was dropped from OpenCobalt (does it work in OpenQwaq?)

I guess you and others that understand the big picture could recommend
the most promising avenue(s).

p.s. I am probably not subscribed to all the lists that Lawson
originally posted to.