Branch: refs/heads/Cog
Home: Commit: 032cecd91c6cf4fdb6549b7e3693648211e513ab Author: Eliot Miranda <
[hidden email]>
Date: 2020-06-15 (Mon, 15 Jun 2020)
Changed paths:
M build.macos32x86/common/Makefile.vm
R build.macos32x86/common/
M build.macos64x64/common/Makefile.vm
R build.macos64x64/common/
A platforms/Cross/util/
A platforms/Cross/util/
Log Message:
Move the script to platforms/Cross/util. Add
platforms/Cross/util/, a script to generate defines for
builtin plugins such that each builtin plugin name is defined as its position
in the sequence of plugins. This is useful for e.g. a common logging facility
that needs to output to a different log file for each plugin.