[OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] 510337: Windows: Update the CameraPlugin to build under MS...

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[OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] 510337: Windows: Update the CameraPlugin to build under MS...

Eliot Miranda-3
  Branch: refs/heads/Cog
  Home:   https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm
  Commit: 510337183c8f531e14a1e5e001e992860692c4ae
  Author: Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]>
  Date:   2020-04-17 (Fri, 17 Apr 2020)

  Changed paths:
    M build.win32x86/common/Makefile.msvc
    M build.win64x64/common/Makefile.msvc
    M build.win64x64/common/Makefile.msvc.plugin
    A platforms/win32/misc/qedit.h
    R platforms/win32/plugins/CameraPlugin/Building Windows CameraPlugin.txt
    A platforms/win32/plugins/CameraPlugin/Building Windows CameraPlugini Using Visual Studio.txt
    R platforms/win32/plugins/CameraPlugin/CameraPlugin.cpp
    R platforms/win32/plugins/CameraPlugin/CameraPlugin.dll
    A platforms/win32/plugins/CameraPlugin/Makefile.msvc
    R platforms/win32/plugins/CameraPlugin/STRMBASE.lib
    M platforms/win32/plugins/CameraPlugin/winCameraOps.cpp

  Log Message:
  Windows: Update the CameraPlugin to build under MSVC 32-bit and 64-bit.
Restore a cut-down version of qedit.h from the dx9sdk and put it in
platforms.win32/misc.  This is hopefully a short-term solution that should
be superceded by proper use of the MIDL compiler to generate a fresh file
from the SDK in use.

Nuke the pre-compiled CameraPlugin.dll, the hack CameraPlugin.cpp, and the
32-bit specific STRMBASE.lib, which is included with Windows SDKs.
Add the relevant extern "C" and update interfaces to winCameraOps.cpp so that
it mates correctly with platforms/Cross/plugins/CameraPlugin/CameraPlugin.h
and src/plugins/CameraPlugin/CameraPlugin.c.