Branch: refs/heads/Cog
Home: Commit: 9320a52ef11fd144697c561eed3eff1412951777 Author: Eliot Miranda <
[hidden email]>
Date: 2019-11-21 (Thu, 21 Nov 2019)
Changed paths:
A build.macos64x64/gdbarm64/clean
M platforms/Cross/plugins/GdbARMPlugin/GdbARMPlugin.h
M platforms/Cross/plugins/GdbARMPlugin/sqGdbARMPlugin.c
M platforms/Cross/plugins/GdbARMv8Plugin/GdbARMv8Plugin.h
M platforms/Cross/plugins/GdbARMv8Plugin/sqGdbARMv8Plugin.c
M processors/ARM/gdb-8.3.1/sim/aarch64/simulator.c
Log Message:
Get the GdbARMv8Plugin to check the pc against minWriteMaxExecAddr correctly
and update its pc after execution. It now steps and runs properly.
Modify instruction access/pc dereference in the gdb code to use the support
routine in sqGdbARMv8Plugin.c.
With these changes GdbARMv8AlienTests can run testNFib4 et al.
[ci skip]