[OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Crash in interpret (?) (#402)

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[OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Crash in interpret (?) (#402)

David T Lewis

I got a crash of the vm executing normal application code that I see for the first time.

VM: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git
Date: Sat Jan 5 20:00:11 2019 CommitHash: 7a3c6b6
Plugins: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git

C stack backtrace & registers:
	rax 0x0000000105cfcd48 rbx 0x0500000001005120 rcx 0x00000000000000c6 rdx 0x00000000000000c6
	rdi 0x0000000105ce70b0 rsi 0x0000000105ce70b0 rbp 0x00007ffee9fc5260 rsp 0x00007ffee9fc51d0
	r8  0x00000000000000c6 r9  0x00007ffee9fcc060 r10 0x00007ffee9fcc020 r11 0x000000026dd14925
	r12 0x00007ffee9fcc020 r13 0x00000000000000c6 r14 0x0000000000000000 r15 0x00000000000000c6
	rip 0x0000000105c0ffd7
0   Pharo                               0x0000000105c0ffd7 interpret + 32785
1   Pharo                               0x0000000105c90642 reportStackState + 952
2   Pharo                               0x0000000105c90987 sigsegv + 174
3   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff76003b5d _sigtramp + 29
4   ???                                 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0
5   Pharo                               0x0000000105c15ebb enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation + 149
6   Pharo                               0x0000000105c0823a interpret + 628
7   Pharo                               0x0000000105c91dca -[sqSqueakMainApplication runSqueak] + 393
8   Foundation                          0x00007fff4c255c4a __NSFirePerformWithOrder + 362
9   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff49f47928 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23
10  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff49f4785d __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 451
11  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff49ee9f80 __CFRunLoopRun + 1136
12  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff49ee98be CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 455
13  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff491d596b RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
14  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff491d55ad ReceiveNextEventCommon + 355
15  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff491d5436 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
16  AppKit                              0x00007fff4756f987 _DPSNextEvent + 965
17  AppKit                              0x00007fff4756e71f -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1361
18  AppKit                              0x00007fff4756883c -[NSApplication run] + 699
19  AppKit                              0x00007fff47557d7c NSApplicationMain + 777
20  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff75e183d5 start + 1

The smalltalk stack trace. The top is just the application code.

    0x7ffee9fcc060 I AppBrowser>allParentScreensDo: 0x26d8fda78: a(n) AppBrowser
    0x7ffee9fcc0b0 I AppBrowser>allParentScreens 0x26d8fda78: a(n) AppBrowser
    0x7ffee9fcc0f0 I AppBrowser>withAllParentScreens 0x26d8fda78: a(n) AppBrowser
    0x7ffee9fcc138 I AppBrowserElement>buildWidget 0x10b0f8130: a(n) AppBrowserElement
    0x7ffee9fcc178 I AppBrowserElement>updateWidget 0x10b0f8130: a(n) AppBrowserElement
    0x7ffee9fcc1b8 I AppBrowserElement>appModel: 0x10b0f8130: a(n) AppBrowserElement
    0x7ffee9fcc218 I AppElement>buildContentPane 0x10b0e92e0: a(n) AppElement
    0x7ffee9fcc260 I AppElement>updateWidget 0x10b0e92e0: a(n) AppElement
    0x7ffee9fd4dc0 I AppElement>appModel: 0x10b0e92e0: a(n) AppElement
    0x7ffee9fd4e10 I [] in AppModel>gtViewAppLiveFor: 0x146c365b8: a(n) AppModel
    0x7ffee9fd4e50 I BlockClosure>glamourValueWithArgs: 0x26eb102f8: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffee9fd4e98 I BrStencilValuableExecutor>execute 0x26eb0b410: a(n) BrStencilValuableExecutor
    0x7ffee9fd4ee0 I BrStencilBuilder>build 0x26eb08000: a(n) BrStencilBuilder
    0x7ffee9fd4f10 M BrStencilBuilder>asElement 0x26eb08000: a(n) BrStencilBuilder
    0x7ffee9fd4f40 M [] in GtPhlowExplicitView>asElementDo: 0x26eb03348: a(n) GtPhlowExplicitView
    0x7ffee9fd4f70 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e92a0: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffee9fd4fc8 I GtPhlowExplicitView>asElementDo: 0x26eb03348: a(n) GtPhlowExplicitView
    0x7ffee9fd5018 I GtPhlowTaskItView>originalElementDo: 0x10af2ba88: a(n) GtPhlowTaskItView
    0x7ffee9fd5068 I [] in GtPhlowTaskItView>taskElement: 0x10af2ba88: a(n) GtPhlowTaskItView
    0x7ffee9fd50a8 I BlValuableCommand>execute 0x10af28038: a(n) BlValuableCommand
    0x7ffee9fd50f0 I BlValuableCommand(BlCommand)>value 0x10af28038: a(n) BlValuableCommand
    0x7ffee9fd5120 M [] in BlCancellableTaskItAction(BlNotificableTaskItAction)>futureAction 0x10af26ac8: a(n) BlCancellableTaskItAction
    0x7ffee9fd5150 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e8670: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffee9fd51a0 M [] in BlTaskNotifications>execute: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
    0x7ffee9fd51d0 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e8bd0: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffee9fd5220 M [] in BlTaskNotifications>execute: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
    0x7ffee9fd5250 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e8e28: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffee9fcfb78 M [] in BlTaskNotifications>execute: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
    0x7ffee9fcfbc0 I BlTaskNotifications>execute: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
    0x7ffee9fcfc00 M [] in BlTaskNotifications>maybeNotifyDuring: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
    0x7ffee9fcfc48 M [] in BlSignalProgress(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 0x14225cc00: a(n) BlSignalProgress
    0x7ffee9fcfc88 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x10b0e8828: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffee9fcfcd0 M BlSignalProgress(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 0x14225cc00: a(n) BlSignalProgress
    0x7ffee9fcfd10 M BlSignalProgress class(DynamicVariable class)>value:during: 0x1251b7af0: a(n) BlSignalProgress class
    0x7ffee9fcfd60 I BlTaskNotifications>maybeNotifyDuring: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
    0x7ffee9fcfd98 M [] in BlCancellableTaskItAction(BlNotificableTaskItAction)>futureAction 0x10af26ac8: a(n) BlCancellableTaskItAction
    0x7ffee9fcfdc8 M TKTGenericTask>value 0x10af1f0a8: a(n) TKTGenericTask
    0x7ffee9fcfdf8 M TKTFutureExecution(TKTTaskExecution)>doExecuteTask 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
    0x7ffee9fcfe30 M [] in TKTFutureExecution>doExecuteTask 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
    0x7ffee9fcfe60 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e8578: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffee9fcfea0 M TKTFutureExecution>doExecuteTask 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
    0x7ffee9fcfed0 M TKTReadyTaskState>performTaskExecution: 0x10af1f0b8: a(n) TKTReadyTaskState
    0x7ffee9fcff08 M TKTFutureExecution(TKTTaskExecution)>executeTask 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
    0x7ffee9fcff38 M [] in TKTFutureExecution(TKTTaskExecution)>value 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
    0x7ffee9fcff80 M [] in TKTConfiguration(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 0x1251fbbd8: a(n) TKTConfiguration
    0x7ffee9fcffc0 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x10b0e8448: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffee9fd0008 M TKTConfiguration(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 0x1251fbbd8: a(n) TKTConfiguration
    0x7ffee9fd0048 M TKTConfiguration class(DynamicVariable class)>value:during: 0x1145b5478: a(n) TKTConfiguration class
    0x7ffee9fd0090 M TKTConfiguration class>optionAt:value:during: 0x1145b5478: a(n) TKTConfiguration class
    0x7ffee9fd00d8 M TKTConfiguration class>runner:during: 0x1145b5478: a(n) TKTConfiguration class
    0x7ffee9fd0118 M TKTFutureExecution(TKTTaskExecution)>value 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
    0x7ffee9fd0150 M [] in TKTWorkerProcess(TKTAbstractExecutor)>executeTask: 0x146bd49d0: a(n) TKTWorkerProcess
    0x7ffee9fd0180 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e8040: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffee9fd01c0 M TKTWorkerProcess(TKTAbstractExecutor)>executeTask: 0x146bd49d0: a(n) TKTWorkerProcess
    0x7ffee9fd01f8 M TKTWorkerProcess>executeTask: 0x146bd49d0: a(n) TKTWorkerProcess
    0x7ffee9fd0230 M [] in TKTWorkerProcess>workerLoop 0x146bd49d0: a(n) TKTWorkerProcess
    0x7ffee9fd0260 M BlockClosure>repeat 0x146bd4ac0: a(n) BlockClosure
       0x146bd4ae0 s TKTWorkerProcess>workerLoop
       0x146bd8500 s MessageSend>value
       0x146bd8670 s MessageSend>value
       0x146bd8728 s TKTProcess>privateExecution
       0x146bd4b98 s TKTProcess>privateExecuteAndFinalizeProcess

The too method allParentScreensDo: is quite simple:

allParentScreensDo: aBlock
	self parentScreen ifNotNil: [ :aScreen |
		aBlock value: aScreen.
		aScreen allParentScreensDo: aBlock ]

The Apple crash report:

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	0x00007fff75f532c6 __pthread_kill + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff7600ebf1 pthread_kill + 284
2   libsystem_c.dylib             	0x00007fff75ebd6a6 abort + 127
3   org.pharo.Pharo               	0x0000000105c909aa sigsegv + 209
4   libsystem_platform.dylib      	0x00007fff76003b5d _sigtramp + 29
5   ???                           	000000000000000000 0 + 0
6   org.pharo.Pharo               	0x0000000105c15ebb enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation + 149
7   org.pharo.Pharo               	0x0000000105c0823a interpret + 628
8   org.pharo.Pharo               	0x0000000105c91dca -[sqSqueakMainApplication runSqueak] + 393
9   com.apple.Foundation          	0x00007fff4c255c4a __NSFirePerformWithOrder + 362
10  com.apple.CoreFoundation      	0x00007fff49f47928 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23
11  com.apple.CoreFoundation      	0x00007fff49f4785d __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 451
12  com.apple.CoreFoundation      	0x00007fff49ee9f80 __CFRunLoopRun + 1136
13  com.apple.CoreFoundation      	0x00007fff49ee98be CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 455
14  com.apple.HIToolbox           	0x00007fff491d596b RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
15  com.apple.HIToolbox           	0x00007fff491d55ad ReceiveNextEventCommon + 355
16  com.apple.HIToolbox           	0x00007fff491d5436 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
17  com.apple.AppKit              	0x00007fff4756f987 _DPSNextEvent + 965
18  com.apple.AppKit              	0x00007fff4756e71f -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1361
19  com.apple.AppKit              	0x00007fff4756883c -[NSApplication run] + 699
20  com.apple.AppKit              	0x00007fff47557d7c NSApplicationMain + 777
21  libdyld.dylib                 	0x00007fff75e183d5 start + 1

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Crash in interpret (?) (#402)

David T Lewis
Hi Andrei,

> On Jun 11, 2019, at 9:40 AM, Andrei Chiș <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I got a crash of the vm executing normal application code that I see for the first time.
> MacOS Mojave 10.14.5
> Pharo-7.0.3+build.159.sha.87d28366ab24e00f43dbd5d91f1c0b01ec519e6f (64 Bit)
> Stable Pharo 7 VM (CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2504 uuid: a00b0fad-c04c-47a6-8a11-5dbff110ac11 Jan 5 2019
> StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2504 uuid: a00b0fad-c04c-47a6-8a11-5dbff110ac11 Jan 5 2019
> VM: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git Date: Sat Jan 5 20:00:11 2019 CommitHash: 7a3c6b6 Plugins: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git)
> VM: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git
> Date: Sat Jan 5 20:00:11 2019 CommitHash: 7a3c6b6
> Plugins: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git
> C stack backtrace & registers:
> rax 0x0000000105cfcd48 rbx 0x0500000001005120 rcx 0x00000000000000c6 rdx 0x00000000000000c6
> rdi 0x0000000105ce70b0 rsi 0x0000000105ce70b0 rbp 0x00007ffee9fc5260 rsp 0x00007ffee9fc51d0
> r8 0x00000000000000c6 r9 0x00007ffee9fcc060 r10 0x00007ffee9fcc020 r11 0x000000026dd14925
> r12 0x00007ffee9fcc020 r13 0x00000000000000c6 r14 0x0000000000000000 r15 0x00000000000000c6
> rip 0x0000000105c0ffd7
> 0 Pharo 0x0000000105c0ffd7 interpret + 32785
> 1 Pharo 0x0000000105c90642 reportStackState + 952
> 2 Pharo 0x0000000105c90987 sigsegv + 174
> 3 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff76003b5d _sigtramp + 29
> 4 ??? 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0
> 5 Pharo 0x0000000105c15ebb enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation + 149
> 6 Pharo 0x0000000105c0823a interpret + 628
> 7 Pharo 0x0000000105c91dca -[sqSqueakMainApplication runSqueak] + 393
> 8 Foundation 0x00007fff4c255c4a __NSFirePerformWithOrder + 362
> 9 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff49f47928 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23
> 10 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff49f4785d __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 451
> 11 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff49ee9f80 __CFRunLoopRun + 1136
> 12 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff49ee98be CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 455
> 13 HIToolbox 0x00007fff491d596b RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
> 14 HIToolbox 0x00007fff491d55ad ReceiveNextEventCommon + 355
> 15 HIToolbox 0x00007fff491d5436 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
> 16 AppKit 0x00007fff4756f987 _DPSNextEvent + 965
> 17 AppKit 0x00007fff4756e71f -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1361
> 18 AppKit 0x00007fff4756883c -[NSApplication run] + 699
> 19 AppKit 0x00007fff47557d7c NSApplicationMain + 777
> 20 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff75e183d5 start + 1
> The smalltalk stack trace. The top is just the application code.
> 0x7ffee9fcc060 I AppBrowser>allParentScreensDo: 0x26d8fda78: a(n) AppBrowser
> 0x7ffee9fcc0b0 I AppBrowser>allParentScreens 0x26d8fda78: a(n) AppBrowser
> 0x7ffee9fcc0f0 I AppBrowser>withAllParentScreens 0x26d8fda78: a(n) AppBrowser
> 0x7ffee9fcc138 I AppBrowserElement>buildWidget 0x10b0f8130: a(n) AppBrowserElement
> 0x7ffee9fcc178 I AppBrowserElement>updateWidget 0x10b0f8130: a(n) AppBrowserElement
> 0x7ffee9fcc1b8 I AppBrowserElement>appModel: 0x10b0f8130: a(n) AppBrowserElement
> 0x7ffee9fcc218 I AppElement>buildContentPane 0x10b0e92e0: a(n) AppElement
> 0x7ffee9fcc260 I AppElement>updateWidget 0x10b0e92e0: a(n) AppElement
> 0x7ffee9fd4dc0 I AppElement>appModel: 0x10b0e92e0: a(n) AppElement
> 0x7ffee9fd4e10 I [] in AppModel>gtViewAppLiveFor: 0x146c365b8: a(n) AppModel
> 0x7ffee9fd4e50 I BlockClosure>glamourValueWithArgs: 0x26eb102f8: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffee9fd4e98 I BrStencilValuableExecutor>execute 0x26eb0b410: a(n) BrStencilValuableExecutor
> 0x7ffee9fd4ee0 I BrStencilBuilder>build 0x26eb08000: a(n) BrStencilBuilder
> 0x7ffee9fd4f10 M BrStencilBuilder>asElement 0x26eb08000: a(n) BrStencilBuilder
> 0x7ffee9fd4f40 M [] in GtPhlowExplicitView>asElementDo: 0x26eb03348: a(n) GtPhlowExplicitView
> 0x7ffee9fd4f70 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e92a0: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffee9fd4fc8 I GtPhlowExplicitView>asElementDo: 0x26eb03348: a(n) GtPhlowExplicitView
> 0x7ffee9fd5018 I GtPhlowTaskItView>originalElementDo: 0x10af2ba88: a(n) GtPhlowTaskItView
> 0x7ffee9fd5068 I [] in GtPhlowTaskItView>taskElement: 0x10af2ba88: a(n) GtPhlowTaskItView
> 0x7ffee9fd50a8 I BlValuableCommand>execute 0x10af28038: a(n) BlValuableCommand
> 0x7ffee9fd50f0 I BlValuableCommand(BlCommand)>value 0x10af28038: a(n) BlValuableCommand
> 0x7ffee9fd5120 M [] in BlCancellableTaskItAction(BlNotificableTaskItAction)>futureAction 0x10af26ac8: a(n) BlCancellableTaskItAction
> 0x7ffee9fd5150 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e8670: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffee9fd51a0 M [] in BlTaskNotifications>execute: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
> 0x7ffee9fd51d0 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e8bd0: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffee9fd5220 M [] in BlTaskNotifications>execute: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
> 0x7ffee9fd5250 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e8e28: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffee9fcfb78 M [] in BlTaskNotifications>execute: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
> 0x7ffee9fcfbc0 I BlTaskNotifications>execute: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
> 0x7ffee9fcfc00 M [] in BlTaskNotifications>maybeNotifyDuring: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
> 0x7ffee9fcfc48 M [] in BlSignalProgress(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 0x14225cc00: a(n) BlSignalProgress
> 0x7ffee9fcfc88 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x10b0e8828: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffee9fcfcd0 M BlSignalProgress(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 0x14225cc00: a(n) BlSignalProgress
> 0x7ffee9fcfd10 M BlSignalProgress class(DynamicVariable class)>value:during: 0x1251b7af0: a(n) BlSignalProgress class
> 0x7ffee9fcfd60 I BlTaskNotifications>maybeNotifyDuring: 0x10af280b0: a(n) BlTaskNotifications
> 0x7ffee9fcfd98 M [] in BlCancellableTaskItAction(BlNotificableTaskItAction)>futureAction 0x10af26ac8: a(n) BlCancellableTaskItAction
> 0x7ffee9fcfdc8 M TKTGenericTask>value 0x10af1f0a8: a(n) TKTGenericTask
> 0x7ffee9fcfdf8 M TKTFutureExecution(TKTTaskExecution)>doExecuteTask 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
> 0x7ffee9fcfe30 M [] in TKTFutureExecution>doExecuteTask 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
> 0x7ffee9fcfe60 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e8578: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffee9fcfea0 M TKTFutureExecution>doExecuteTask 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
> 0x7ffee9fcfed0 M TKTReadyTaskState>performTaskExecution: 0x10af1f0b8: a(n) TKTReadyTaskState
> 0x7ffee9fcff08 M TKTFutureExecution(TKTTaskExecution)>executeTask 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
> 0x7ffee9fcff38 M [] in TKTFutureExecution(TKTTaskExecution)>value 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
> 0x7ffee9fcff80 M [] in TKTConfiguration(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 0x1251fbbd8: a(n) TKTConfiguration
> 0x7ffee9fcffc0 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x10b0e8448: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffee9fd0008 M TKTConfiguration(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 0x1251fbbd8: a(n) TKTConfiguration
> 0x7ffee9fd0048 M TKTConfiguration class(DynamicVariable class)>value:during: 0x1145b5478: a(n) TKTConfiguration class
> 0x7ffee9fd0090 M TKTConfiguration class>optionAt:value:during: 0x1145b5478: a(n) TKTConfiguration class
> 0x7ffee9fd00d8 M TKTConfiguration class>runner:during: 0x1145b5478: a(n) TKTConfiguration class
> 0x7ffee9fd0118 M TKTFutureExecution(TKTTaskExecution)>value 0x10af19358: a(n) TKTFutureExecution
> 0x7ffee9fd0150 M [] in TKTWorkerProcess(TKTAbstractExecutor)>executeTask: 0x146bd49d0: a(n) TKTWorkerProcess
> 0x7ffee9fd0180 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x10b0e8040: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffee9fd01c0 M TKTWorkerProcess(TKTAbstractExecutor)>executeTask: 0x146bd49d0: a(n) TKTWorkerProcess
> 0x7ffee9fd01f8 M TKTWorkerProcess>executeTask: 0x146bd49d0: a(n) TKTWorkerProcess
> 0x7ffee9fd0230 M [] in TKTWorkerProcess>workerLoop 0x146bd49d0: a(n) TKTWorkerProcess
> 0x7ffee9fd0260 M BlockClosure>repeat 0x146bd4ac0: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x146bd4ae0 s TKTWorkerProcess>workerLoop
> 0x146bd8500 s MessageSend>value
> 0x146bd8670 s MessageSend>value
> 0x146bd8728 s TKTProcess>privateExecution
> 0x146bd4b98 s TKTProcess>privateExecuteAndFinalizeProcess
> The too method allParentScreensDo: is quite simple:
> allParentScreensDo: aBlock
> self parentScreen ifNotNil: [ :aScreen |
> aBlock value: aScreen.
> aScreen allParentScreensDo: aBlock ]
> The Apple crash report:
> Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
> 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff75f532c6 __pthread_kill + 10
> 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff7600ebf1 pthread_kill + 284
> 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff75ebd6a6 abort + 127
> 3 org.pharo.Pharo 0x0000000105c909aa sigsegv + 209
> 4 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff76003b5d _sigtramp + 29
> 5 ??? 000000000000000000 0 + 0
> 6 org.pharo.Pharo 0x0000000105c15ebb enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation + 149
> 7 org.pharo.Pharo 0x0000000105c0823a interpret + 628
> 8 org.pharo.Pharo 0x0000000105c91dca -[sqSqueakMainApplication runSqueak] + 393
> 9 com.apple.Foundation 0x00007fff4c255c4a __NSFirePerformWithOrder + 362
> 10 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x00007fff49f47928 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23
> 11 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x00007fff49f4785d __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 451
> 12 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x00007fff49ee9f80 __CFRunLoopRun + 1136
> 13 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x00007fff49ee98be CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 455
> 14 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff491d596b RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
> 15 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff491d55ad ReceiveNextEventCommon + 355
> 16 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff491d5436 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
> 17 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff4756f987 _DPSNextEvent + 965
> 18 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff4756e71f -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1361
> 19 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff4756883c -[NSApplication run] + 699
> 20 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff47557d7c NSApplicationMain + 777
> 21 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff75e183d5 start + 1

I too am seeing crashes. Yesterday updating a Squeak image failed. I suspect display changes (because the e ruction engine code has been quite stable for many months) but without a reproducible case we cannot be sure. So I shall be trying to create a reproducible case for my crash. I shall:

- take copies of image and changes so that each time the test is run the changes and image files are at the same point
- drive the test via the command line so that the ui does not introduce variability

Alas since my case involves network interaction I cannot control how long it takes to fetch remote package files nor the exact set of packages updated, but the update stream uses update maps which should hopefully provide some consistency between runs

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Crash in interpret (?) (#402)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

Hi Eliot, For now I do not have a reproducible case for these issues. Now I got another interesting crash. Happened again while executing normal Pharo code. Just it's the first time I see in the stack trace INVALID RECEIVER: 0x7ffeef771fb0 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c60c8 0x1071c60c8 is a forwarded object to 0x34db1ad30 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....

VM: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git
Date: Sat Jan 5 20:00:11 2019 CommitHash: 7a3c6b6
Plugins: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git

C stack backtrace & registers:
	rax 0x497465476d697270 rbx 0x0000000000000023 rcx 0x0000000000000000 rdx 0x0000000000000008
	rdi 0x000000034db1bb10 rsi 0x000000034db1bb10 rbp 0x00007ffeef750170 rsp 0x00007ffeef750140
	r8  0x00ffffffffffffff r9  0x0000000000000001 r10 0x000000034db1bb18 r11 0x00000002468a27d0
	r12 0x000000034db13ea0 r13 0x0000000000000001 r14 0x0000000000000000 r15 0x0000000000000048
	rip 0x00000001004c5be5
0   Pharo                               0x00000001004c5be5 scavengeReferentsOf + 277
1   Pharo                               0x0000000100505642 reportStackState + 952
2   Pharo                               0x0000000100505987 sigsegv + 174
3   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff7dafbb5d _sigtramp + 29
4   ???                                 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0
5   Pharo                               0x00000001004a26a2 doScavenge + 542
6   Pharo                               0x00000001004aa745 scavengingGCTenuringIf + 333
7   Pharo                               0x000000010048ddbe checkForEventsMayContextSwitch + 111
8   Pharo                               0x0000000100491fb5 ceStackOverflow + 110
9   ???                                 0x000000010705c5b3 0x0 + 4412786099
10  Pharo                               0x000000010047d23a interpret + 628
11  Pharo                               0x0000000100506dca -[sqSqueakMainApplication runSqueak] + 393
12  Foundation                          0x00007fff53d4dc4a __NSFirePerformWithOrder + 362
13  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff51a3f928 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23
14  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff51a3f85d __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 451
15  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff519e1f80 __CFRunLoopRun + 1136
16  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff519e18be CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 455
17  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff50ccd96b RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
18  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff50ccd5ad ReceiveNextEventCommon + 355
19  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff50ccd436 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
20  AppKit                              0x00007fff4f067987 _DPSNextEvent + 965
21  AppKit                              0x00007fff4f06671f -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1361
22  AppKit                              0x00007fff4f06083c -[NSApplication run] + 699
23  AppKit                              0x00007fff4f04fd7c NSApplicationMain + 777
24  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff7d9103d5 start + 1
Smalltalk stack dump:
    0x7ffeef765248 M BlTransformationBuilder class>on: 0x10ec1b940: a(n) BlTransformationBuilder class
    0x7ffeef77ba98 M BlElement>transform 0x1072301a8: a(n) BlElement
    0x7ffeef77bad0 M BlElement>transformDo: 0x1072301a8: a(n) BlElement
    0x7ffeef77bb08 M [] in BrGlamorousButtonIconLook>initialize 0x107251ac8: a(n) BrGlamorousButtonIconLook
    0x7ffeef77bb38 M BlockClosure>cull: 0x1072774d8: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffeef77bb70 M BlockClosure>cull:cull: 0x1072774d8: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffeef77bbb0 M [] in BrInteractiveLook>statesChanged: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
    0x7ffeef77bc00 M OrderedCollection(SequenceableCollection)>select:thenDo: 0x107263460: a(n) OrderedCollection
    0x7ffeef77bc40 M BrInteractiveLook>statesChanged: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
    0x7ffeef77bc78 M BrInteractiveLook>requestStates 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
    0x7ffeef77bca8 M BrInteractiveLook>initializeRequests 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
    0x7ffeef77bcd8 M BrInteractiveLook>elementAddedToSuperParent: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
    0x7ffeef77bd10 M BlElementAddedToSuperParentEvent>sendTo: 0x10784fe08: a(n) BlElementAddedToSuperParentEvent
    0x7ffeef77bd48 M BrInteractiveLook(BrActor)>dispatchEventToMyself: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
    0x7ffeef77bd88 M [] in BrInteractiveLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
    0x7ffeef77bdc8 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x1078894b0: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffeef77be10 M BrInteractiveLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
    0x7ffeef77be50 M [] in BrGlamorousButtonIconLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107251ac8: a(n) BrGlamorousButtonIconLook
    0x7ffeef77be98 M OrderedCollection>do: 0x107888ec8: a(n) OrderedCollection
    0x7ffeef77bee0 M BrGlamorousButtonIconLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107251ac8: a(n) BrGlamorousButtonIconLook
    0x7ffeef77bf20 M [] in BrGlamorousButtonWithIconLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107243608: a(n) BrGlamorousButtonWithIconLook
    0x7ffeef77bf68 M OrderedCollection>do: 0x107858e08: a(n) OrderedCollection
    0x7ffeef77bfb0 M BrGlamorousButtonWithIconLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107243608: a(n) BrGlamorousButtonWithIconLook
    0x7ffeef77bfe8 M BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription>deliver: 0x10724cc28: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription
    0x7ffeef77c030 M [] in SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x10723c590: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef77c070 M BlockClosure>ifCurtailed: 0x107858af0: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffeef77c0c0 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x10723c590: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef77c108 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to: 0x10723c590: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef77c150 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver: 0x10723c590: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef77c190 M Announcer>announce: 0x1072366d8: a(n) Announcer
    0x7ffeef77c1c8 M BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry>dispatchEvent: 0x10722fee0: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry
    0x7ffeef77c208 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher>dispatchArrivedEvent: 0x107226ad0: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
    0x7ffeef77c240 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher>dispatchEvent:next: 0x107226ad0: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
    0x7ffeef771c20 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher(BlEventDispatcher)>dispatchEvent: 0x107226ad0: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
    0x7ffeef771c58 M BrButton(BlElement)>dispatchEvent: 0x10721dbc8: a(n) BrButton
    0x7ffeef771c90 M BrButton(BlElement)>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x10721dbc8: a(n) BrButton
    0x7ffeef771cd0 M [] in BrToolbar(BlElement)>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071fa610: a(n) BrToolbar
    0x7ffeef771d18 M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 0x1072124a8: a(n) Array
    0x7ffeef771d50 M BlChildrenArray>do: 0x107206060: a(n) BlChildrenArray
    0x7ffeef771d88 M BrToolbar(BlElement)>childrenDo: 0x1071fa610: a(n) BrToolbar
    0x7ffeef771dc0 M BrToolbar(BlElement)>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071fa610: a(n) BrToolbar
    0x7ffeef771e00 M [] in BlElement>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071d48d8: a(n) BlElement
    0x7ffeef771e48 M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 0x1071ed510: a(n) Array
    0x7ffeef771e80 M BlChildrenArray>do: 0x1071e2758: a(n) BlChildrenArray
    0x7ffeef771eb8 M BlElement>childrenDo: 0x1071d48d8: a(n) BlElement
    0x7ffeef771ef0 M BlElement>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071d48d8: a(n) BlElement
    0x7ffeef771f30 M [] in INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c5fa0       0x1071c5fa0 is a forwarded object to        0x34db12f58 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef771f78 M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 0x1071c60b0: a(n) Array
    0x7ffeef771fb0 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c60c8       0x1071c60c8 is a forwarded object to        0x34db1ad30 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef771fe8 M INVALID RECEIVER>childrenDo: 0x1071c5fa0       0x1071c5fa0 is a forwarded object to        0x34db12f58 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef772020 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c5fa0       0x1071c5fa0 is a forwarded object to        0x34db12f58 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef772060 M [] in INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c6190       0x1071c6190 is a forwarded object to        0x34daf6a70 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef7720a8 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c62a0       0x1071c62a0 is a forwarded object to        0x34db0a6d0 of slot size 3 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef7720e0 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c62c0       0x1071c62c0 is a forwarded object to        0x34db01e40 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef772118 M INVALID RECEIVER>childrenDo: 0x1071c6190       0x1071c6190 is a forwarded object to        0x34daf6a70 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef772150 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c6190       0x1071c6190 is a forwarded object to        0x34daf6a70 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef772190 M [] in INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c3ef8       0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to        0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef7721d8 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c63b0       0x1071c63b0 is a forwarded object to        0x34db12d60 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef772210 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c63c0       0x1071c63c0 is a forwarded object to        0x34db0a538 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef772248 M INVALID RECEIVER>childrenDo: 0x1071c3ef8       0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to        0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750d58 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c3ef8       0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to        0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750d98 M [] in INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c7218       0x1071c7218 is a forwarded object to        0x34db0a328 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750de0 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071e2f70       0x1071e2f70 is a forwarded object to        0x34db1a890 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750e18 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071d4f58       0x1071d4f58 is a forwarded object to        0x34db12c00 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750e50 M INVALID RECEIVER>childrenDo: 0x1071c7218       0x1071c7218 is a forwarded object to        0x34db0a328 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750e88 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c7218       0x1071c7218 is a forwarded object to        0x34db0a328 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750ec0 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToParent 0x1071c7218       0x1071c7218 is a forwarded object to        0x34db0a328 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750ef0 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchChildAdded: 0x1077a1fe8       0x1077a1fe8 is a forwarded object to        0x1072ba3b8 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750f28 M INVALID RECEIVER>addChild:at: 0x1077a1fe8       0x1077a1fe8 is a forwarded object to        0x1072ba3b8 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750f68 M INVALID RECEIVER>addChild: 0x1077a1fe8       0x1077a1fe8 is a forwarded object to        0x1072ba3b8 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef750fe0 I GtInspectorPagerPageEmbellisher>create 0x1071c7470: a(n) GtInspectorPagerPageEmbellisher
    0x7ffeef751020 I GtInspectorPagerPageEmbellisher(BrStencil)>asElement 0x1071c7470: a(n) GtInspectorPagerPageEmbellisher
    0x7ffeef751070 I BrPagerLook>onPageContentAttached: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
    0x7ffeef7510a8 M [] in BrPagerLook>onPageAdded: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
    0x7ffeef7510e0 M BlockClosure>cull: 0x107650b10: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffeef751120 M BrPagerPageModel(BrWidgetModel)>whenAttachedDo: 0x1071c74c0: a(n) BrPagerPageModel
    0x7ffeef751168 I BrPagerLook>onPageAdded: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
    0x7ffeef7511a0 M [] in BrPagerLook>initializeListeners 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
    0x7ffeef7511d8 M BlockClosure>cull: 0x107261390: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffeef751210 M BlEventHandler>handleEvent: 0x10725bd88: a(n) BlEventHandler
    0x7ffeef751248 M BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription>deliver: 0x107257a98: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription
    0x7ffeef753b88 M [] in SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x10724a588: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef753bc8 M BlockClosure>ifCurtailed: 0x107650828: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffeef753c18 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x10724a588: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef753c60 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to: 0x10724a588: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef753ca8 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver: 0x10724a588: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef753ce8 M Announcer>announce: 0x107245598: a(n) Announcer
    0x7ffeef753d20 M BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry>dispatchEvent: 0x10723e9c0: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry
    0x7ffeef753d68 M BlDirectEventDispatcher>dispatchEvent:next: 0x107239720: a(n) BlDirectEventDispatcher
    0x7ffeef753da8 M BlDirectEventDispatcher(BlEventDispatcher)>dispatchEvent: 0x107239720: a(n) BlDirectEventDispatcher
    0x7ffeef753de0 M BrPagerLook(BrActor)>dispatchEventToMyself: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
    0x7ffeef753e20 M [] in BrPagerLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
    0x7ffeef753e60 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x10764ede0: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffeef753ea8 M BrPagerLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
    0x7ffeef753ee8 M [] in BrPagerScrollbarLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107213310: a(n) BrPagerScrollbarLook
    0x7ffeef753f30 M OrderedCollection>do: 0x10764e7f8: a(n) OrderedCollection
    0x7ffeef753f78 M BrPagerScrollbarLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107213310: a(n) BrPagerScrollbarLook
    0x7ffeef753fb0 M BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription>deliver: 0x107228708: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription
    0x7ffeef753ff8 M [] in SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x107206720: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef754038 M BlockClosure>ifCurtailed: 0x10764e4e0: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffeef754088 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x107206720: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef7540d0 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to: 0x107206720: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef754118 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver: 0x107206720: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
    0x7ffeef754158 M Announcer>announce: 0x1071fae48: a(n) Announcer
    0x7ffeef754190 M BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry>dispatchEvent: 0x1071edf40: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry
    0x7ffeef7541d0 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher>dispatchArrivedEvent: 0x1071e3460: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
    0x7ffeef754208 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher>dispatchEvent:next: 0x1071e3460: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
    0x7ffeef754248 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher(BlEventDispatcher)>dispatchEvent: 0x1071e3460: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
    0x7ffeef76cc78 M BrPager(BlElement)>dispatchEvent: 0x1071d52f8: a(n) BrPager
    0x7ffeef76ccb0 M BrPagerModel(BrActor)>dispatchEventToWidget: 0x1072132e0: a(n) BrPagerModel
    0x7ffeef76cce8 M BrPagerModel(BrActor)>dispatchEvent: 0x1072132e0: a(n) BrPagerModel
    0x7ffeef76cd30 I BrPagerModel>notifyPageAdded: 0x1072132e0: a(n) BrPagerModel
    0x7ffeef76cd78 I BrPagerModel>onPageAdded: 0x1072132e0: a(n) BrPagerModel
    0x7ffeef76cdc0 I BrPagerModel>addPage: 0x1072132e0: a(n) BrPagerModel
    0x7ffeef76ce08 I BrPager>addPage: 0x1071d52f8: a(n) BrPager
    0x7ffeef76ce58 I GtInspector>addPageWithContent:for: 0x1071c74f0: a(n) GtInspector
    0x7ffeef76ceb8 I INVALID RECEIVER>openInInspector 0x1071c3ef8       0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to        0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef76cef8 I INVALID RECEIVER>openWithFullView 0x1071c3ef8       0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to        0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef76cf38 I INVALID RECEIVER>openWithFullView 0x1071c3ef8       0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to        0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
    0x7ffeef76cf90 I ()>openOn:withFullView:andNotification: 0x11253d7a8: a(n) 
    0x7ffeef76cff0 M [] in GtBlocMorphicUIManager(BlBlocMorphicUIManager)>debugProcess:context:label:fullView:notification: 0x134a99168: a(n) GtBlocMorphicUIManager
    0x7ffeef76d020 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x1071c7758: a(n) BlockClosure
    0x7ffeef76d078 M [] in GtBlocMorphicUIManager(BlBlocMorphicUIManager)>debugProcess:context:label:fullView:notification: 0x134a99168: a(n) GtBlocMorphicUIManager
    0x7ffeef76d0c8 I WorldState>runStepMethodsIn: 0x108120b80: a(n) WorldState
    0x7ffeef76d110 I WorldMorph>runStepMethods 0x1081136d0: a(n) WorldMorph
    0x7ffeef76d140 M WorldState>doOneCycleNowFor: 0x108120b80: a(n) WorldState
    0x7ffeef76d178 M WorldState>doOneCycleFor: 0x108120b80: a(n) WorldState
    0x7ffeef76d1b0 M WorldMorph>doOneCycle 0x1081136d0: a(n) WorldMorph
    0x7ffeef76d1e0 M WorldMorph class>doOneCycle 0x10810fcc8: a(n) WorldMorph class
    0x7ffeef76d210 M [] in GtBlocMorphicUIManager(MorphicUIManager)>spawnNewProcess 0x134a99168: a(n) GtBlocMorphicUIManager
    0x7ffeef76d250 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 0x1355ed678: a(n) BlockClosure

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Crash in interpret (?) (#402)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis
Hi Andrei,

if something reproducible shows up you can upload the image and changes
to ftp.mirandabanda.org (cogftpuser c0gg1ng) with instructions on what you
did and let me know. I'll take a look.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 8:24 AM Andrei Chiș <[hidden email]>

> Hi Eliot, For now I do not have a reproducible case for these issues. Now
> I got another interesting crash. Happened again while executing normal
> Pharo code. Just it's the first time I see in the stack trace INVALID
> RECEIVER: 0x7ffeef771fb0 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c60c8 0x1071c60c8
> is a forwarded object to 0x34db1ad30 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
> VM: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git
> Date: Sat Jan 5 20:00:11 2019 CommitHash: 7a3c6b6
> Plugins: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git
> C stack backtrace & registers:
> rax 0x497465476d697270 rbx 0x0000000000000023 rcx 0x0000000000000000 rdx 0x0000000000000008
> rdi 0x000000034db1bb10 rsi 0x000000034db1bb10 rbp 0x00007ffeef750170 rsp 0x00007ffeef750140
> r8 0x00ffffffffffffff r9 0x0000000000000001 r10 0x000000034db1bb18 r11 0x00000002468a27d0
> r12 0x000000034db13ea0 r13 0x0000000000000001 r14 0x0000000000000000 r15 0x0000000000000048
> rip 0x00000001004c5be5
> 0 Pharo 0x00000001004c5be5 scavengeReferentsOf + 277
> 1 Pharo 0x0000000100505642 reportStackState + 952
> 2 Pharo 0x0000000100505987 sigsegv + 174
> 3 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff7dafbb5d _sigtramp + 29
> 4 ??? 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0
> 5 Pharo 0x00000001004a26a2 doScavenge + 542
> 6 Pharo 0x00000001004aa745 scavengingGCTenuringIf + 333
> 7 Pharo 0x000000010048ddbe checkForEventsMayContextSwitch + 111
> 8 Pharo 0x0000000100491fb5 ceStackOverflow + 110
> 9 ??? 0x000000010705c5b3 0x0 + 4412786099
> 10 Pharo 0x000000010047d23a interpret + 628
> 11 Pharo 0x0000000100506dca -[sqSqueakMainApplication runSqueak] + 393
> 12 Foundation 0x00007fff53d4dc4a __NSFirePerformWithOrder + 362
> 13 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff51a3f928 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23
> 14 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff51a3f85d __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 451
> 15 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff519e1f80 __CFRunLoopRun + 1136
> 16 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff519e18be CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 455
> 17 HIToolbox 0x00007fff50ccd96b RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
> 18 HIToolbox 0x00007fff50ccd5ad ReceiveNextEventCommon + 355
> 19 HIToolbox 0x00007fff50ccd436 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
> 20 AppKit 0x00007fff4f067987 _DPSNextEvent + 965
> 21 AppKit 0x00007fff4f06671f -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1361
> 22 AppKit 0x00007fff4f06083c -[NSApplication run] + 699
> 23 AppKit 0x00007fff4f04fd7c NSApplicationMain + 777
> 24 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff7d9103d5 start + 1
> Smalltalk stack dump:
> 0x7ffeef765248 M BlTransformationBuilder class>on: 0x10ec1b940: a(n) BlTransformationBuilder class
> 0x7ffeef77ba98 M BlElement>transform 0x1072301a8: a(n) BlElement
> 0x7ffeef77bad0 M BlElement>transformDo: 0x1072301a8: a(n) BlElement
> 0x7ffeef77bb08 M [] in BrGlamorousButtonIconLook>initialize 0x107251ac8: a(n) BrGlamorousButtonIconLook
> 0x7ffeef77bb38 M BlockClosure>cull: 0x1072774d8: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffeef77bb70 M BlockClosure>cull:cull: 0x1072774d8: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffeef77bbb0 M [] in BrInteractiveLook>statesChanged: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
> 0x7ffeef77bc00 M OrderedCollection(SequenceableCollection)>select:thenDo: 0x107263460: a(n) OrderedCollection
> 0x7ffeef77bc40 M BrInteractiveLook>statesChanged: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
> 0x7ffeef77bc78 M BrInteractiveLook>requestStates 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
> 0x7ffeef77bca8 M BrInteractiveLook>initializeRequests 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
> 0x7ffeef77bcd8 M BrInteractiveLook>elementAddedToSuperParent: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
> 0x7ffeef77bd10 M BlElementAddedToSuperParentEvent>sendTo: 0x10784fe08: a(n) BlElementAddedToSuperParentEvent
> 0x7ffeef77bd48 M BrInteractiveLook(BrActor)>dispatchEventToMyself: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
> 0x7ffeef77bd88 M [] in BrInteractiveLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
> 0x7ffeef77bdc8 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x1078894b0: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffeef77be10 M BrInteractiveLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x10725dea0: a(n) BrInteractiveLook
> 0x7ffeef77be50 M [] in BrGlamorousButtonIconLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107251ac8: a(n) BrGlamorousButtonIconLook
> 0x7ffeef77be98 M OrderedCollection>do: 0x107888ec8: a(n) OrderedCollection
> 0x7ffeef77bee0 M BrGlamorousButtonIconLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107251ac8: a(n) BrGlamorousButtonIconLook
> 0x7ffeef77bf20 M [] in BrGlamorousButtonWithIconLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107243608: a(n) BrGlamorousButtonWithIconLook
> 0x7ffeef77bf68 M OrderedCollection>do: 0x107858e08: a(n) OrderedCollection
> 0x7ffeef77bfb0 M BrGlamorousButtonWithIconLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107243608: a(n) BrGlamorousButtonWithIconLook
> 0x7ffeef77bfe8 M BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription>deliver: 0x10724cc28: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription
> 0x7ffeef77c030 M [] in SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x10723c590: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef77c070 M BlockClosure>ifCurtailed: 0x107858af0: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffeef77c0c0 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x10723c590: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef77c108 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to: 0x10723c590: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef77c150 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver: 0x10723c590: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef77c190 M Announcer>announce: 0x1072366d8: a(n) Announcer
> 0x7ffeef77c1c8 M BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry>dispatchEvent: 0x10722fee0: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry
> 0x7ffeef77c208 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher>dispatchArrivedEvent: 0x107226ad0: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
> 0x7ffeef77c240 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher>dispatchEvent:next: 0x107226ad0: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
> 0x7ffeef771c20 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher(BlEventDispatcher)>dispatchEvent: 0x107226ad0: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
> 0x7ffeef771c58 M BrButton(BlElement)>dispatchEvent: 0x10721dbc8: a(n) BrButton
> 0x7ffeef771c90 M BrButton(BlElement)>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x10721dbc8: a(n) BrButton
> 0x7ffeef771cd0 M [] in BrToolbar(BlElement)>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071fa610: a(n) BrToolbar
> 0x7ffeef771d18 M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 0x1072124a8: a(n) Array
> 0x7ffeef771d50 M BlChildrenArray>do: 0x107206060: a(n) BlChildrenArray
> 0x7ffeef771d88 M BrToolbar(BlElement)>childrenDo: 0x1071fa610: a(n) BrToolbar
> 0x7ffeef771dc0 M BrToolbar(BlElement)>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071fa610: a(n) BrToolbar
> 0x7ffeef771e00 M [] in BlElement>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071d48d8: a(n) BlElement
> 0x7ffeef771e48 M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 0x1071ed510: a(n) Array
> 0x7ffeef771e80 M BlChildrenArray>do: 0x1071e2758: a(n) BlChildrenArray
> 0x7ffeef771eb8 M BlElement>childrenDo: 0x1071d48d8: a(n) BlElement
> 0x7ffeef771ef0 M BlElement>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071d48d8: a(n) BlElement
> 0x7ffeef771f30 M [] in INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c5fa0 0x1071c5fa0 is a forwarded object to 0x34db12f58 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef771f78 M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 0x1071c60b0: a(n) Array
> 0x7ffeef771fb0 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c60c8 0x1071c60c8 is a forwarded object to 0x34db1ad30 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef771fe8 M INVALID RECEIVER>childrenDo: 0x1071c5fa0 0x1071c5fa0 is a forwarded object to 0x34db12f58 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef772020 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c5fa0 0x1071c5fa0 is a forwarded object to 0x34db12f58 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef772060 M [] in INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c6190 0x1071c6190 is a forwarded object to 0x34daf6a70 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef7720a8 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c62a0 0x1071c62a0 is a forwarded object to 0x34db0a6d0 of slot size 3 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef7720e0 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c62c0 0x1071c62c0 is a forwarded object to 0x34db01e40 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef772118 M INVALID RECEIVER>childrenDo: 0x1071c6190 0x1071c6190 is a forwarded object to 0x34daf6a70 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef772150 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c6190 0x1071c6190 is a forwarded object to 0x34daf6a70 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef772190 M [] in INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c3ef8 0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to 0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef7721d8 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c63b0 0x1071c63b0 is a forwarded object to 0x34db12d60 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef772210 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071c63c0 0x1071c63c0 is a forwarded object to 0x34db0a538 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef772248 M INVALID RECEIVER>childrenDo: 0x1071c3ef8 0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to 0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750d58 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c3ef8 0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to 0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750d98 M [] in INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c7218 0x1071c7218 is a forwarded object to 0x34db0a328 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750de0 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071e2f70 0x1071e2f70 is a forwarded object to 0x34db1a890 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750e18 M INVALID RECEIVER>do: 0x1071d4f58 0x1071d4f58 is a forwarded object to 0x34db12c00 of slot size 1 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750e50 M INVALID RECEIVER>childrenDo: 0x1071c7218 0x1071c7218 is a forwarded object to 0x34db0a328 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750e88 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToSuperParent: 0x1071c7218 0x1071c7218 is a forwarded object to 0x34db0a328 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750ec0 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchAddedToParent 0x1071c7218 0x1071c7218 is a forwarded object to 0x34db0a328 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750ef0 M INVALID RECEIVER>dispatchChildAdded: 0x1077a1fe8 0x1077a1fe8 is a forwarded object to 0x1072ba3b8 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750f28 M INVALID RECEIVER>addChild:at: 0x1077a1fe8 0x1077a1fe8 is a forwarded object to 0x1072ba3b8 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750f68 M INVALID RECEIVER>addChild: 0x1077a1fe8 0x1077a1fe8 is a forwarded object to 0x1072ba3b8 of slot size 28 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef750fe0 I GtInspectorPagerPageEmbellisher>create 0x1071c7470: a(n) GtInspectorPagerPageEmbellisher
> 0x7ffeef751020 I GtInspectorPagerPageEmbellisher(BrStencil)>asElement 0x1071c7470: a(n) GtInspectorPagerPageEmbellisher
> 0x7ffeef751070 I BrPagerLook>onPageContentAttached: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
> 0x7ffeef7510a8 M [] in BrPagerLook>onPageAdded: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
> 0x7ffeef7510e0 M BlockClosure>cull: 0x107650b10: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffeef751120 M BrPagerPageModel(BrWidgetModel)>whenAttachedDo: 0x1071c74c0: a(n) BrPagerPageModel
> 0x7ffeef751168 I BrPagerLook>onPageAdded: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
> 0x7ffeef7511a0 M [] in BrPagerLook>initializeListeners 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
> 0x7ffeef7511d8 M BlockClosure>cull: 0x107261390: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffeef751210 M BlEventHandler>handleEvent: 0x10725bd88: a(n) BlEventHandler
> 0x7ffeef751248 M BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription>deliver: 0x107257a98: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription
> 0x7ffeef753b88 M [] in SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x10724a588: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef753bc8 M BlockClosure>ifCurtailed: 0x107650828: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffeef753c18 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x10724a588: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef753c60 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to: 0x10724a588: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef753ca8 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver: 0x10724a588: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef753ce8 M Announcer>announce: 0x107245598: a(n) Announcer
> 0x7ffeef753d20 M BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry>dispatchEvent: 0x10723e9c0: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry
> 0x7ffeef753d68 M BlDirectEventDispatcher>dispatchEvent:next: 0x107239720: a(n) BlDirectEventDispatcher
> 0x7ffeef753da8 M BlDirectEventDispatcher(BlEventDispatcher)>dispatchEvent: 0x107239720: a(n) BlDirectEventDispatcher
> 0x7ffeef753de0 M BrPagerLook(BrActor)>dispatchEventToMyself: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
> 0x7ffeef753e20 M [] in BrPagerLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
> 0x7ffeef753e60 M BlockClosure>ensure: 0x10764ede0: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffeef753ea8 M BrPagerLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x1072324d8: a(n) BrPagerLook
> 0x7ffeef753ee8 M [] in BrPagerScrollbarLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107213310: a(n) BrPagerScrollbarLook
> 0x7ffeef753f30 M OrderedCollection>do: 0x10764e7f8: a(n) OrderedCollection
> 0x7ffeef753f78 M BrPagerScrollbarLook(BrActor)>handleEvent: 0x107213310: a(n) BrPagerScrollbarLook
> 0x7ffeef753fb0 M BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription>deliver: 0x107228708: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncementSubscription
> 0x7ffeef753ff8 M [] in SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x107206720: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef754038 M BlockClosure>ifCurtailed: 0x10764e4e0: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffeef754088 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to:startingAt: 0x107206720: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef7540d0 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver:to: 0x107206720: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef754118 M SubscriptionRegistry>deliver: 0x107206720: a(n) SubscriptionRegistry
> 0x7ffeef754158 M Announcer>announce: 0x1071fae48: a(n) Announcer
> 0x7ffeef754190 M BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry>dispatchEvent: 0x1071edf40: a(n) BlHandlerAnnouncerRegistry
> 0x7ffeef7541d0 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher>dispatchArrivedEvent: 0x1071e3460: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
> 0x7ffeef754208 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher>dispatchEvent:next: 0x1071e3460: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
> 0x7ffeef754248 M BlBubblingEventDispatcher(BlEventDispatcher)>dispatchEvent: 0x1071e3460: a(n) BlBubblingEventDispatcher
> 0x7ffeef76cc78 M BrPager(BlElement)>dispatchEvent: 0x1071d52f8: a(n) BrPager
> 0x7ffeef76ccb0 M BrPagerModel(BrActor)>dispatchEventToWidget: 0x1072132e0: a(n) BrPagerModel
> 0x7ffeef76cce8 M BrPagerModel(BrActor)>dispatchEvent: 0x1072132e0: a(n) BrPagerModel
> 0x7ffeef76cd30 I BrPagerModel>notifyPageAdded: 0x1072132e0: a(n) BrPagerModel
> 0x7ffeef76cd78 I BrPagerModel>onPageAdded: 0x1072132e0: a(n) BrPagerModel
> 0x7ffeef76cdc0 I BrPagerModel>addPage: 0x1072132e0: a(n) BrPagerModel
> 0x7ffeef76ce08 I BrPager>addPage: 0x1071d52f8: a(n) BrPager
> 0x7ffeef76ce58 I GtInspector>addPageWithContent:for: 0x1071c74f0: a(n) GtInspector
> 0x7ffeef76ceb8 I INVALID RECEIVER>openInInspector 0x1071c3ef8 0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to 0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef76cef8 I INVALID RECEIVER>openWithFullView 0x1071c3ef8 0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to 0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef76cf38 I INVALID RECEIVER>openWithFullView 0x1071c3ef8 0x1071c3ef8 is a forwarded object to 0x34db01c20 of slot size 30 hdr8 .....
> 0x7ffeef76cf90 I ()>openOn:withFullView:andNotification: 0x11253d7a8: a(n)
> 0x7ffeef76cff0 M [] in GtBlocMorphicUIManager(BlBlocMorphicUIManager)>debugProcess:context:label:fullView:notification: 0x134a99168: a(n) GtBlocMorphicUIManager
> 0x7ffeef76d020 M BlockClosure>on:do: 0x1071c7758: a(n) BlockClosure
> 0x7ffeef76d078 M [] in GtBlocMorphicUIManager(BlBlocMorphicUIManager)>debugProcess:context:label:fullView:notification: 0x134a99168: a(n) GtBlocMorphicUIManager
> 0x7ffeef76d0c8 I WorldState>runStepMethodsIn: 0x108120b80: a(n) WorldState
> 0x7ffeef76d110 I WorldMorph>runStepMethods 0x1081136d0: a(n) WorldMorph
> 0x7ffeef76d140 M WorldState>doOneCycleNowFor: 0x108120b80: a(n) WorldState
> 0x7ffeef76d178 M WorldState>doOneCycleFor: 0x108120b80: a(n) WorldState
> 0x7ffeef76d1b0 M WorldMorph>doOneCycle 0x1081136d0: a(n) WorldMorph
> 0x7ffeef76d1e0 M WorldMorph class>doOneCycle 0x10810fcc8: a(n) WorldMorph class
> 0x7ffeef76d210 M [] in GtBlocMorphicUIManager(MorphicUIManager)>spawnNewProcess 0x134a99168: a(n) GtBlocMorphicUIManager
> 0x7ffeef76d250 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 0x1355ed678: a(n) BlockClosure
> —
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best, Eliot

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Crash in interpret (?) (#402)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

Is this fixed?
Is there an easy way to reproduce this?
It looks like a call-back bug to me, but based on the second stack trace, it looks like missing pinned objects.

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Crash in interpret (?) (#402)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

I think it's a quite old bug. Most likely we can close it.

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Crash in interpret (?) (#402)

David T Lewis
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Closing for now.

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Crash in interpret (?) (#402)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

Closed #402.

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