[OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Windows VM import lib needs to be distributed with VM, and interp.c needs to export less (#525)

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[OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Windows VM import lib needs to be distributed with VM, and interp.c needs to export less (#525)

David T Lewis

We use sqVirtualMachine.c/h as a poor-mans cross-platform reverse export facility, allowing shared objects o access facilities exported by the VM. None of this is strictly necessary; all platforms providing shared objects (that I'm aware of) allow for an executable to export symbols and have these linked into a shared object built to be loaded by that executable. That said, there's no need to reengineer plugins. We can keep the existing structure.

However, the VM still exports API not covered in sqVirtualMachine. In particular the pre-alien callback machinery, error and warning(at) are exported not thrugh sqVirtualMachine (although in desperation a few months ago I put error in there; it can be taken back out).

On Windows the mechanism is to link a dll with the import lib of the main executable, e.g. Squeak.lib. SO to be able to build external plugins against the VM without having to build one's own VM, one needs that import lib. Therefore Squeak.lib should be distributed with the VM release.

Again, however, Squeak.lib has many symbols that don't need to be exported. Here are the primitives that (AFAICT) have no business being exported:

0000000000000000 T primitiveAddLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveAllInstances
0000000000000000 T primitiveAllObjects
0000000000000000 T primitiveBitAndLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveBitOrLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveBitShiftLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveBitXorLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveClockLogAddresses
0000000000000000 T primitiveCompareBytes
0000000000000000 T primitiveCompareWith
0000000000000000 T primitiveCrashVM
0000000000000000 T primitiveDisablePowerManager
0000000000000000 T primitiveDivLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveDivideLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveDnsInfo
0000000000000000 T primitiveEqualLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveEventProcessingControl
0000000000000000 T primitiveGetLogDirectory
0000000000000000 T primitiveGetWindowLabel
0000000000000000 T primitiveGetWindowSize
0000000000000000 T primitiveGetenv
0000000000000000 T primitiveGreaterOrEqualLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveGreaterThanLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveHeartbeatFrequency
0000000000000000 T primitiveHighResClock
0000000000000000 T primitiveImageFormatVersion
0000000000000000 T primitiveInterruptChecksPerMSec
0000000000000000 T primitiveIsBigEnder
0000000000000000 T primitiveIsWindowObscured
0000000000000000 T primitiveLessOrEqualLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveLessThanLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveLongRunningPrimitive
0000000000000000 T primitiveLongRunningPrimitiveSemaphore
0000000000000000 T primitiveMethodPCData
0000000000000000 T primitiveMillisecondClockMask
0000000000000000 T primitiveMinimumUnusedHeadroom
0000000000000000 T primitiveModLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveMultiplyLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveNotEqualLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitivePathToUsing
0000000000000000 T primitivePluginBrowserReady
0000000000000000 T primitivePluginDestroyRequest
0000000000000000 T primitivePluginPostURL
0000000000000000 T primitivePluginRequestFileHandle
0000000000000000 T primitivePluginRequestState
0000000000000000 T primitivePluginRequestURL
0000000000000000 T primitivePluginRequestURLStream
0000000000000000 T primitiveProfilePrimitive
0000000000000000 T primitiveProfileSample
0000000000000000 T primitiveProfileSemaphore
0000000000000000 T primitiveProfileStart
0000000000000000 T primitiveQuoLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveRemLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveScreenDepth
0000000000000000 T primitiveScreenScaleFactor
0000000000000000 T primitiveSetGCSemaphore
0000000000000000 T primitiveSetLogDirectory
0000000000000000 T primitiveSetWindowLabel
0000000000000000 T primitiveSetWindowSize
0000000000000000 T primitiveSubtractLargeIntegers
0000000000000000 T primitiveUtcWithOffset
0000000000000000 T primitiveVoidReceiver

So this issue is to note both that the VM import lib needs to be included in the distribution (thankfully the import lib for the Windows subsystem VM also works for the Console subsystem VM), and that the interpreter should export fewer symbols. The final list is something like

0000000000000000 T callbackEnter
0000000000000000 T callbackLeave
0000000000000000 T error
0000000000000000 T moduleUnloaded
0000000000000000 T reestablishContextPriorToCallback
0000000000000000 T returnAsThroughCallbackContext
0000000000000000 T segmentContainingObj
0000000000000000 T sendInvokeCallbackContext
0000000000000000 T sendInvokeCallbackStackRegistersJmpbuf
0000000000000000 T setInterruptCheckChain
0000000000000000 T statNumGCs
0000000000000000 T warning
0000000000000000 T warningat

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