[OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Yet another BitBlt source pastEnd access (#441)

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[OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Yet another BitBlt source pastEnd access (#441)

David T Lewis

Observed while simulating newspeak with this stack:

  16r107230 M BitBlt>copy:from:in:fillColor:rule: 16r320338: a(n) BitBlt  16r10725C M Form>copy:from:in:rule: 16r31F618: a(n) Form

  16r1072A0 M StrikeFont>characterFormAt:put: 16r318E60: a(n) StrikeFont

  16r1072D4 I StrikeFont>ensureCleanBold 16r318E60: a(n) StrikeFont

  16r1072FC M StrikeFont>emphasized: 16r8EAFE8: a(n) StrikeFont

  16r10731C M BrazilStringMorph(StringMorph)>fontToUse 16r314AF8: a(n) BrazilStringMorph

  16r107338 M BrazilStringMorph(StringMorph)>measureContents 16r314AF8: a(n) BrazilStringMorph

  16r107358 M BrazilStringMorph(StringMorph)>fitContents 16r314AF8: a(n) BrazilStringMorph

  16r107370 M BrazilStringMorph(StringMorph)>font:emphasis: 16r314AF8: a(n) BrazilStringMorph

  16r107398 I BrazilStringMorph(StringMorph)>font: 16r314AF8: a(n) BrazilStringMorph

  16r1073B4 M LabelMorphicAgent>setMorphFont: 16r1183A0: a(n) LabelMorphicAgent

  16r1073D4 M [] in LabelMorphicAgent(Object)>~ 16r1183A0: a(n) LabelMorphicAgent

  16r1073F0 M AttributeMapping>update 16r316A60: a(n) AttributeMapping

The BitBlt spec is:

interpreterProxy: 	a Spur32BitMMLECoSimulator

moduleName: 	nil

translatedMethodCache: 	nil

simulator: 	a SmartSyntaxPluginSimulator

destForm: 	3274264

sourceForm: 	3268464

halftoneForm: 	5419272

combinationRule: 	3

destX: 	20

destY: 	0

width: 	1581

height: 	15

sourceX: 	19

sourceY: 	0

clipX: 	0

clipY: 	0

clipWidth: 	1601

clipHeight: 	15

sourceWidth: 	1600

sourceHeight: 	15

sourceDepth: 	1

sourcePitch: 	200

sourceBits: 	3268512

sourcePPW: 	32

sourceMSB: 	true

destWidth: 	1601

destHeight: 	15

destDepth: 	1

destPitch: 	204

destBits: 	3274312

destPPW: 	32

destMSB: 	true

bitCount: 	0

skew: 	-1

mask1: 	4095

mask2: 	2147483648

preload: 	false

nWords: 	51

destMask: 	2147483648

hDir: 	1

vDir: 	1

sourceIndex: 	3271512

sourceDelta: 	-4

destIndex: 	3277368

destDelta: 	0

sx: 	19

sy: 	0

dx: 	20

dy: 	0

bbW: 	1581

bbH: 	15

halftoneHeight: 	0

noSource: 	false

noHalftone: 	true

halftoneBase: 	nil

sourceAlpha: 	nil

srcBitShift: 	0

dstBitShift: 	0

bitBltOop: 	3277624

affectedL: 	0

affectedR: 	15

affectedT: 	0

affectedB: 	15

opTable: 	#(#clearWord:with: #bitAnd:with: #bitAndInvert:with: #sourceWord:with: #bitInvertAnd:with: #destinationWord:with: #bitXor:with: #bitOr:with: #bitInvertAndInvert:with: #bitInvertXor:with: #bitInvertDestination:with: #bitOrInvert:with: #bitInvertSource:with: #bitInvertOr:with: #bitInvertOrInvert:with: #destinationWord:with: #destinationWord:with: #destinationWord:with: #addWord:with: #subWord:with: #rgbAdd:with: #rgbSub:with: #OLDrgbDiff:with: #OLDtallyIntoMap:with: #alphaBlend:with: #pixPaint:with: #pixMask:with: #rgbMax:with: #rgbMin:with: #rgbMinInvert:with: #alphaBlendConst:with: #alphaPaintConst:with: #rgbDiff:with: #tallyIntoMap:with: #alphaBlendScaled:with: #alphaBlendScaled:with: #alphaBlendScaled:with: #rgbMul:with: #pixSwap:with: #pixClear:with: #fixAlpha:with: #rgbComponentAlpha:with:)

maskTable: 	#(1 3 nil 15 31 nil nil 255 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 65535 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 4294967295)

ditherMatrix4x4: 	a CArrayAccessor on: #(0 8 2 10 12 4 14 6 3 11 1 9 15 7 13 5)

ditherThresholds16: 	a CArrayAccessor on: #(0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16)

ditherValues16: 	a CArrayAccessor on: #(0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30)

hasSurfaceLock: 	false

warpSrcShift: 	5

warpSrcMask: 	4294967295

warpAlignShift: 	0

warpAlignMask: 	0

warpBitShiftTable: 	a CArrayAccessor on: #(0 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)

querySurfaceFn: 	nil

lockSurfaceFn: 	nil

unlockSurfaceFn: 	nil

isWarping: 	false

cmFlags: 	0

cmMask: 	0

cmShiftTable: 	nil

cmMaskTable: 	nil

cmLookupTable: 	nil

cmBitsPerColor: 	0

dither8Lookup: 	a CArrayAccessor on: #( ...snip byte array of size 4096 ...)

componentAlphaModeColor: 	nil

componentAlphaModeAlpha: 	nil

ungammaLookupTable: 	nil

gammaLookupTable: 	nil

numGCsOnInvocation: 	14

bitBltIsReceiver: 	true

endOfDestination: 	3277372

endOfSource: 	3271512

destinationHashes: 	nil

copyBitsCount: 	nil

copyBitsBreakCount: 	nil

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Yet another BitBlt source pastEnd access (#441)

David T Lewis

So, we need exactly 50 words to represent a row of source (width = 1600 pixels / 32 pixelPerWord).
Trying to read nWords = 51 is asking for trouble...
We are translating 1 bit to the right, so the destination requires 51 words (1601 pixels).

What we ought to do in the BitBlt>>copyLoop is:
Copy 12bits from 1st src word (mask1 - 16rFFF "4095") onto 1st dst word
Then 49 times copy the rotate thing (last bit from prev src word+31 bits from next src word) onto next dest word

    skewWord := ((prevWord bitAnd: notSkewMask) bitShift: unskew)
        bitOr:  "32-bit rotate"
    ((thisWord bitAnd: skewMask) bitShift: skew).

Then last bit of prev src word to next dest word (with mask2 = 16r80000000).

The incorrect code is in the last section, trying to read next sourceWord for nothing since it will be fully masked by mask2 after rotation (skew).
So this last code requires a protection.
We could for example try ((skewMask bitShift: skew) bitAnd: mask2), and if null don't fetch next sourceWord (just use 0 instead).

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Yet another BitBlt source pastEnd access (#441)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

Thanks for looking into this!

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Yet another BitBlt source pastEnd access (#441)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-nice.2575.diff is integrated

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Yet another BitBlt source pastEnd access (#441)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

Closed #441.

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