Branch: refs/heads/Cog
Home: Commit: a2f6e9ebafc33c5a7ce56a236b8d8d00613541e6 Author: Nicolas Cellier <
[hidden email]>
Date: 2019-10-28 (Mon, 28 Oct 2019)
Changed paths:
M src/vm/cointerp.c
M src/vm/cointerp.h
M src/vm/cointerpmt.c
M src/vm/cointerpmt.h
M src/vm/gcc3x-cointerp.c
M src/vm/gcc3x-cointerpmt.c
M stacksrc/vm/gcc3x-interp.c
M stacksrc/vm/interp.c
M stacksrc/vm/interp.h
Log Message:
Fix issue 436 again
Perform C integer arithmetic with the right int type (64 bits signed sqLong rather than 32bits unsigned usqInt).