Branch: refs/heads/Cog
Home: Commit: ae3d9915ba0c224ad5c7fd93972ba6edfdbd35c3 Author: Eliot Miranda <
[hidden email]>
Date: 2021-02-10 (Wed, 10 Feb 2021)
Changed paths:
M build.win32x86/common/Makefile.msvc
M build.win32x86/common/Makefile.msvc.plugin
M build.win64x64/common/Makefile.msvc
M build.win64x64/common/Makefile.msvc.plugin
Log Message:
Windows MSVC Makefiles.
Ensure that plugin dlls and libs get rebuilt by adding LIBSRC as dependencies.
No longer nuke the internal plugin libs. Copy enhancements in the 64-bit
Makefiles to the 32-bit Makefiles. [ci skip]