Branch: refs/heads/dtl/build-script-patch
Home: Commit: afbf9e015cf079ebe5e934b8de1e2a3e2304ed09 Author: David T. Lewis <
[hidden email]>
Date: 2020-01-04 (Sat, 04 Jan 2020)
Changed paths:
M image/
M image/
M image/
M image/
M image/
Log Message:
Fix image MC loading glitch in image build scripts when checking package-cache.
MCRepository>>includesVersionNamed: does not check explicit version name,
so this may do the wrong thing when checking the cache:
version := ((MCCacheRepository default includesVersionNamed: latestVersion)
ifTrue: [MCCacheRepository default]
ifFalse: [repository]) versionNamed: latestVersion.
Therefore do this instead:
version := (MCCacheRepository default versionNamed: latestVersion)
ifNil: [repository versionNamed: latestVersion].