Branch: refs/heads/Cog
Home: Commit: f219b7218fad8f083c28f645d2e976f9cb826344 Author: Nicolas Cellier <
[hidden email]>
Date: 2019-12-31 (Tue, 31 Dec 2019)
Changed paths:
M platforms/iOS/vm/OSX/sqSqueakOSXApplication+events.m
Log Message:
Fix the sign of x wheel events in OSX to be inline with "natural scrolling" preference.
- The VM should generate positive deltaX for Left to Right trackpad motion
- The VM should generate positive deltaY for Bottom to Up trackpad motion
For historical reasons, if VM does not send mouse wheel events, but fake keyboard arrow events, then:
- The VM should generate a left arrow key for Left to Right trackpad motion
- The VM should generate a bottom arrow key for Bottom to Up trackpad motion
Not that the preferred direction preference of OSX is taken into account by the VM
See description is for "natural scrolling" preference (the trackpad does drag the screen contents).
It will be inverted if the preference is unset (the trackpad does drag the scroll bar).
Note that the `isFlipped` method of the Cocoa/Quartz view presumably ha an impact on sign of vertical motions
See VM does use isFlipped YES.