Opening URL in default browser.

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Opening URL in default browser.


Is it possible to have squeak run the default web browser and have it
go to a url?
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Re: Opening URL in default browser.

Herbert König
Hi Mike,

MV> Is it possible to have squeak run the default web browser and have it
MV> go to a url?


You need the FFI package. Assuming you are in Windows
Win32Shell>>shellExplore: aPathString gives you an example to open the
Windows explorer on a path. This can be tailored to open your
favourite web browser.

There is an alternative in the OSProcess and CommandShell packages
which I never used myself.



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Re: Opening URL in default browser.

Bert Freudenberg
On 20.11.2009, at 09:09, Herbert König wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> MV> Is it possible to have squeak run the default web browser and have it
> MV> go to a url?
> Yes.
> You need the FFI package. Assuming you are in Windows
> Win32Shell>>shellExplore: aPathString gives you an example to open the
> Windows explorer on a path. This can be tailored to open your
> favourite web browser.
> There is an alternative in the OSProcess and CommandShell packages
> which I never used myself.
> Cheers,
> Herbert  

The ScratchPlugin has an openUrl primitive, too. It's going to be included in the VM soonish, for now you could get it from Scratch or Etoys:

- Bert -

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