Passed: OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm#1456 (201810190412 - 15341b5)

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Passed: OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm#1456 (201810190412 - 15341b5)

Travis CI




branch icon201810190412

arrow to build time
clock icon1 hr, 35 mins, and 39 secs

Eliot Miranda avatarEliot Miranda

CogVm source as per VMMaker.oscog-eem.2464

Cogit Slang Reflection:
Fix nasty bug with CogAbstractInstruction computing opcodes via reflection
caused by full blocks. We must use method allLiterals to include literals
in blocks now. SysV is referenced only from blocks in
CogX64Compiler class>>#initialize and so with full blocks SysV was being
moved to Undeclared, causing invalid source generation for the X64 cogits.

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<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "EmailMessage", "action": { "@type": "ViewAction", "url": ";utm_source=email", "name": "View Build" }, "description": "View Build #1456 on Travis CI" } </script>