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hello i have class with two setters
phone1: aValue
phone2: aValue

and i want call it dynamically
aSelector is phone1 or phone2 string

setPhohne: aSelector by: aValue

phoneBook perform aSelector, ':' aValue

but this is not working how can i do this when i try this iwth getters it works fine

Transcript show: (phoneBook perform aSelector); cr.

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Re: Perform

Mathieu SUEN
Hi Jakub,

#perform: is for unary message

If you want to pass arguments you have to use
#perform:with:    "On argument"
#perform:with:with: "Two arguments"
#perform:withArguments:  "Several arguments inside an Array"

so in your case it should be:

phonebook perform: #phone1 with: aValue


On Jan 14, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Jakub wrote:

> hello i have class with two setters
> phone1: aValue
> phone2: aValue
> and i want call it dynamically
> aSelector is phone1 or phone2 string
> setPhohne: aSelector by: aValue
> phoneBook perform aSelector, ':' aValue
> but this is not working how can i do this when i try this iwth  
> getters it works fine
> Transcript show: (phoneBook perform aSelector); cr.
> --
> Jakub. _______________________________________________
> Beginners mailing list
> [hidden email]


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Re: Perform

Frank Urbach
In reply to this post by Jakub-8
Hi Jakub,
if I correctly understand your question the following will do what you want:
test := MyTest new.
myString:= ('phone1' , ':' asString) asSymbol.
test perform: myString with: 'tesValue'.
The above you can use in a Workspace.
The essential from this is: Object perform: with: 
MyTest contains:
MyTest>>phone1: aValue
  phone1 := aValue.
MyTest>>phone2: aValue
  phone2 := aValue.
>hello i have class with two setters

>phone1: aValue
>phone2: aValue
>and i want call it dynamically
>aSelector is phone1 or phone2 string
>setPhohne: aSelector by: aValue
>phoneBook perform aSelector, ':' aValue
>but this is not working how can i do this when i try this iwth getters it works fine
>Transcript show: (phoneBook perform aSelector); cr.
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Re: Perform

Zulq Alam-2
In reply to this post by Mathieu SUEN
And, instead of concatenating your selector with ':', you can send a
symbol the message #asMutator (which does it for you).

For example:

#phone1 asMutator "prints #phone1:"
#phone2 asMutator "prints #phone2:"

Which you can use like this:

phoneBook perform: aSelector asMutator with: aValue


Mathieu Suen wrote:

> Hi Jakub,
> #perform: is for unary message
> If you want to pass arguments you have to use
> #perform:with:    "On argument"
> #perform:with:with: "Two arguments"
> ...
> #perform:withArguments:  "Several arguments inside an Array"
> so in your case it should be:
> phonebook perform: #phone1 with: aValue
> On Jan 14, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Jakub wrote:
>> hello i have class with two setters
>> phone1: aValue
>> phone2: aValue
>> and i want call it dynamically
>> aSelector is phone1 or phone2 string
>> setPhohne: aSelector by: aValue
>> phoneBook perform aSelector, ':' aValue
>> but this is not working how can i do this when i try this iwth getters
>> it works fine
>> Transcript show: (phoneBook perform aSelector); cr.
>> --
>> Jakub. _______________________________________________
>> Beginners mailing list
>> [hidden email]
>     Mth

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