Peristence with SandStone or Voyage -> Bypassing the saving of a variable.

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Peristence with SandStone or Voyage -> Bypassing the saving of a variable.


So, I tried using mongo voyage for persistence of my Models, and when trying to the SsStateMachine, Mongo Voyager had problems figuring out what to do with my state machine.. 

So, it occurred to me.. the state machine really does nothing but guide the order through its journey. By the time the order is complete, the state machine is irrelevant.. and there is no chance that the state machine will ever be relevant.. 

So, my question is.. 

Is there any way to mark a variable (like statemachine) as “do not persist”? 

This would solve all my problems..


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Re: Peristence with SandStone or Voyage -> Bypassing the saving of a variable.

Sabine Manaa
Hi Sergio,

have a look at VOTransientDescription

I also have attributes which are not persistent.
I define them at class side like this:


        ^ VOTransientDescription new 
                attributeName: 'accountingRecords'; 


2017-07-13 23:40 GMT+02:00 sergio_101 [via Smalltalk] <[hidden email]>:

So, I tried using mongo voyage for persistence of my Models, and when trying to the SsStateMachine, Mongo Voyager had problems figuring out what to do with my state machine.. 

So, it occurred to me.. the state machine really does nothing but guide the order through its journey. By the time the order is complete, the state machine is irrelevant.. and there is no chance that the state machine will ever be relevant.. 

So, my question is.. 

Is there any way to mark a variable (like statemachine) as “do not persist”? 

This would solve all my problems..


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Re: Peristence with SandStone or Voyage -> Bypassing the saving of a variable.

Oh! good idea.. i’ll take a look.. 

i ended up throwing them into a temp variable.. then saving.. then bringing it back..


On July 14, 2017 at 2:20:42 AM, Sabine Manaa ([hidden email]) wrote:

have a look at VOTransientDescription

I also have attributes which are not persistent.
I define them at class side like this:


        ^ VOTransientDescription new 
                attributeName: 'accountingRecords'; 


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