I've completed my first round of updates the "Personal SqueakSource"
package for 5.2 running on 64-bit. By running it out of a work
directory on your hard drive, it provides mc revision history for all
of your own personal code in the same way we access to that for
Squeak's base code. **No client code is required** in your images to
do this!
The installation has been simplified (no more special "squeaksource"
user). I did all of the tedious setup work so you don't have to.
Complete documentation is here.
http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6365I verified in a clean Ubuntu 16.04 Virtual Host with stock 5.2 images
that the above Setup instructions "just works" and only takes a few minutes.
I hope you'll give it a try and give me your feedback. I'd like to
not be the only one who ever touches this code. In the meantime, I
will reach out to Dave to see if we can get it running with
UTCDateaAndTime installed.
After that, I will update the source.squeak.org server with this new
version, and the timeouts we've
been suffering with will vanish!
- Chris
PS -- BTW, this is a fantastic "example" server application from the
sense of implementing production server best-practices and also the
sheer breadth of different technologies it demonstrates (web, raw HTTP
requests, emailing, server deployment, availability, RFB, etc.).