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Pharo on Apple App Store

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Re: Pharo on Apple App Store

Stéphane Ducasse
17193 posts

On Mar 5, 2011, at 12:14 PM, laurent laffont wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:19 AM, John McIntosh <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I'm not sure anyone really answered the question.
> (a) Yes you can build squeak/pharo VM based applications for the iOS platform and distribute in the App Store. This assumes you adhere to the rules.
> (b) Yes you can build Squeak/pharo VM based applications for the OS-X platform and distribute in the OS-X App Store.  This assumes someone wants to take the time to port the file dialog logic from Sophie to Pharo since you will be rejected if you present a Squeak file open/save dialog.
> Thanks John.
> Is the licence of Sophie file dialog code MIT ?

Yes but we do not really want to have the copyright of a university in pharo. This is why alain rewrote from scratch the undo.


> Laurent
> Lastly you can't download MC packages to the app for doing on the fly updates, any updates have to go thru the app store. An example of alternate technology is Sparkle and Apple has rejected apps that use that technology to provide an update path.  
> PS No I can't say I've actually attempted getting a squeak based app into the OS-X store, perhaps this summer, still that is my tea leaf reading of the situation.
> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 12:53 AM, laurent laffont <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible today to distribute Pharo apps through Apple App Store (OSX) ? If no, why ? Can I hope it will be possible  or should I learn objective-C ?
> Laurent
> --
> ===========================================================================
> John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]>
> Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.  http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com
> ===========================================================================

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Re: Pharo on Apple App Store

Marcus Denker-4
7582 posts
In reply to this post by laurent laffont

On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:53 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> On Mar 5, 2011, at 12:14 PM, laurent laffont wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:19 AM, John McIntosh <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I'm not sure anyone really answered the question.
>> (a) Yes you can build squeak/pharo VM based applications for the iOS platform and distribute in the App Store. This assumes you adhere to the rules.
>> (b) Yes you can build Squeak/pharo VM based applications for the OS-X platform and distribute in the OS-X App Store.  This assumes someone wants to take the time to port the file dialog logic from Sophie to Pharo since you will be rejected if you present a Squeak file open/save dialog.
>> Thanks John.
>> Is the licence of Sophie file dialog code MIT ?
> Yes but we do not really want to have the copyright of a university in pharo. This is why alain rewrote from scratch the undo.
Actually, the problem was that it is BSD... which is not the faullt of Sophie, this was what was thought as being good at that point
in time. Later people understood that MIT is even better...

Wikepedia says:

        The MIT License is similar to the 3-clause "modified" BSD license, except that the BSD license contains a notice prohibiting the use of the name of the
         copyright holder in promotion. This is sometimes present in versions of the MIT License, as noted above.
        The original BSD license also includes a clause requiring all advertising of the software to display a notice crediting its authors.
        This "advertising clause" (since disavowed by UC Berkeley[7]) is present in the modified MIT License used by XFree86.

        The MIT License states more explicitly the rights given to the end-user, including the right to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
        sell the software.

For the Undo it was nor really worth to think about what it means to add BSD (and which of the BSD?) licensed code to an MIT licensed system...


Marcus Denker  -- http://www.marcusdenker.de
INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

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Re: Pharo on Apple App Store

Stéphane Ducasse
17193 posts
tx for the precision.

>>> I'm not sure anyone really answered the question.
>>> (a) Yes you can build squeak/pharo VM based applications for the iOS platform and distribute in the App Store. This assumes you adhere to the rules.
>>> (b) Yes you can build Squeak/pharo VM based applications for the OS-X platform and distribute in the OS-X App Store.  This assumes someone wants to take the time to port the file dialog logic from Sophie to Pharo since you will be rejected if you present a Squeak file open/save dialog.
>>> Thanks John.
>>> Is the licence of Sophie file dialog code MIT ?
>> Yes but we do not really want to have the copyright of a university in pharo. This is why alain rewrote from scratch the undo.
> Actually, the problem was that it is BSD... which is not the faullt of Sophie, this was what was thought as being good at that point
> in time. Later people understood that MIT is even better...
> Wikepedia says:
> The MIT License is similar to the 3-clause "modified" BSD license, except that the BSD license contains a notice prohibiting the use of the name of the
> copyright holder in promotion. This is sometimes present in versions of the MIT License, as noted above.
> The original BSD license also includes a clause requiring all advertising of the software to display a notice crediting its authors.
> This "advertising clause" (since disavowed by UC Berkeley[7]) is present in the modified MIT License used by XFree86.
> The MIT License states more explicitly the rights given to the end-user, including the right to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
> sell the software.
> For the Undo it was nor really worth to think about what it means to add BSD (and which of the BSD?) licensed code to an MIT licensed system...
> Marcus
> --
> Marcus Denker  -- http://www.marcusdenker.de
> INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

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Re: Pharo on Apple App Store... or Cydia?

1255 posts
In reply to this post by abergel


     (Conversation between Alexandre and Hilaire:)

> > > I think we should have a clear roadmap on how to get a pharo
> > > application in the appstore. The train is passing by and we are
> > > not taking it.
> >
> > Yes, nevertheless you may want to take the alternative high speed
> > train.
> Which is?

     I know it's probably not the sort of alternative you had in mind,
but is anyone here interested in at least getting Pharo into Cydia?
(Cydia is, among other things, the "app store" for folks who have
jailbroken their iOS devices.) I'm sure several people would find it
useful; it'd be a convenient way to get Pharo onto iThings and it would
run with its full capabilities.


Craig Latta
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