Points of View - a tribute to Alan Kay

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Points of View - a tribute to Alan Kay

Ian Piumarta-2

I am pleased to announce the latest publication from Viewpoints  
Research: Points of View -- a tribute to Alan Kay.  This book, edited  
by Kim Rose and myself, is a collection of previously-unpublished  
essays written to celebrate Alan's 70th birthday.  Twenty-nine  
luminaries from diverse disciplines contributed original material for  
this book, which was presented to Alan during a celebratory lunch  
earlier this week.

A limited first edition of 100 copies has been printed of which 50 are  
being offered for a $125 donation to Viewpoints.

Full details can be found here:  http://vpri.org/pov


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Re: Points of View - a tribute to Alan Kay

Simon Michael
Excellent. I've asked my local library to purchase a copy, it's worth a shot..