Porting Network-Protocols

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Porting Network-Protocols

Hi Guys:

I'm trying to make work Sport & Swazoo in Cuis, as a first needed step to
have Aida working in Cuis.

Then, I need to start for the network support to complete the already
included in Cuis.

One of the big steps is port Network Protocols (Telnet, POP3, SMTP, FTP,
HTTP, etc).

Until now, I was porting from Pharo1.4Summer because compatibility reasons
with the packages I'm interested in port, but now, porting the protocols,
I saw a big difference with Squeak, because a lot of methods in Pharo are
facades to Zinc (that I started porting some time ago). In Squeak such
methods remain as in the original format, that means, no relying in Zinc.

I'm wondering what is better:

- Port as in Squeak 4.4 with no Zinc in mind; or
- Port as in Pharo 1.4, and try to have Zinc in the image?

What do you think?


Germán S. Arduino  <gsa @ arsol.net>   Twitter: garduino
Arduino Software  http://www.arduinosoftware.com
PasswordsPro  http://www.passwordspro.com
greensecure.blogspot.com germanarduino.blogspot.com
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Re: Porting Network-Protocols

Edgar De Cleene
> - Port as in Pharo 1.4, and try to have Zinc in the image?
Si podes meter Zinc, mejor.
La lista de dependencias es larguisimaaaa


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Re: Porting Network-Protocols

Hola Edgar!

Che, si, creo que voy por ese camino, porque Zinc permite trabajar con la
web, aunque la app sea desktop y creo que hoy por hoy eso es algo que se
necesita mucho.

En cuanto a las dependencias hoy me trabé un poco con un quilombo que no
estoy bien seguro como pasó, pero bueno, creo que está solucionado, pero
voy bien creo.....tengo ya portados (de Network):

Url (en este estoy ahora)

con algunos recortes claro, para poder ir metiéndolos en la imagen.....voy
acomodando a medida que necesito métodos....pero (excepto url) del resto
tengo los tests en verde....


2012/12/7 Edgar J. De Cleene <[hidden email]>

> **
> > - Port as in Pharo 1.4, and try to have Zinc in the image?
> Si podes meter Zinc, mejor.
> La lista de dependencias es larguisimaaaa
> Edgar

Germán S. Arduino  <gsa @ arsol.net>   Twitter: garduino
Arduino Software  http://www.arduinosoftware.com
PasswordsPro  http://www.passwordspro.com
greensecure.blogspot.com germanarduino.blogspot.com