Preferences class >> #compileAccessorForPreference: modifies the System package

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Preferences class >> #compileAccessorForPreference: modifies the System package

Levente Uzonyi
Hi All,

as the subject says, creating a preference accessor will modify the
package. It used to create those methods in the '*autogenerated - standard
queries' category, but now it adds them to the 'standard queries' category.
Why is that?
Can we revert that change? If not, what can be done to keep the package


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Re: Preferences class >> #compileAccessorForPreference: modifies the System package

Bert Freudenberg
On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 6:49 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi All,

as the subject says, creating a preference accessor will modify the package. It used to create those methods in the '*autogenerated - standard queries' category, but now it adds them to the 'standard queries' category.
Why is that?
Can we revert that change? If not, what can be done to keep the package intact?

Yes, I did like it better when they were in *autogen.

I'm not sure why Marcel did the change, but it may have to do with Tobias' change to doesNotUnderstand: which now raises an error for unregistered preferences. That means the system breaks if the accessors are not there, so they must be packaged. I guess. Marcel? Tobi?

- Bert -