Press Releases

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Press Releases

Brad Fuller-3
We have a new folder on the site: Press Room.
It has two press releases, about the Squeak booth at Smalltalk Solutions
conf and one about squeak badges being available to purchase at the
show.  (we don't yet have a site for people to purchase on line. Tim's
working on it. The second press release temporarily points to to purchase badges but that is erroneous)

You might consider this as a small news item.

brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124
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Re: Press Releases

Giovanni Corriga
Il giorno gio, 05/04/2007 alle 12.57 -0700, Brad Fuller ha scritto:
> We have a new folder on the site: Press Room.
> It has two press releases, about the Squeak booth at Smalltalk Solutions
> conf and one about squeak badges being available to purchase at the
> show.  (we don't yet have a site for people to purchase on line. Tim's
> working on it. The second press release temporarily points to
> to purchase badges but that is erroneous)

I've published both of them. Please warn us when that changes, so we can
update the article.



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