Primitives and array computation

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Primitives and array computation

Frederic Dambreville

I have to build a class which makes intensive mathematical
computations (which I will connect to a Squeak GUI).

For this purpose, I tried the mathematical functions on arrays, and
evaluated the performances:


Time millisecondsToRun: [

tab1:=(1 to: 1000000).

tab1 collect: [:each | each cos]]


Time millisecondsToRun: [

(1 to: 1000000) cos]


Time millisecondsToRun: [

tab1:=(1 to: 1000000).

tab1 do: [:each | each cos]]


The best is about 1s for computing cos(x) 1000000 times.

By reducing the the vector size, the three algorithms seem to be
equivalent in time (I guess that there are additional time consumed
for memory management).

Now, in comparison, the same tests for a C implementation is about
0.002s, about 500x better.

By browsing the classes, it did not saw primitives acting directly on
arrays, and it seemed that the loops are done by Squeak...
An explanation of this dramatical difference.

So, my question is: does the VM implements primitives for computing
mathematical functions on arrays?

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Re: Primitives and array computation

Bert Freudenberg
Am 10.07.2008 um 18:47 schrieb Frederic Dambreville:

> So, my question is: does the VM implements primitives for computing
> mathematical functions on arrays?

Generally, no. It's also hard to do in a general Array, since each  
Float is a full object, any arithmetic on it does unboxing and boxing  
of a newly allocated Float object. To speed this up considerably you  
would have to create primitive array that do not hold objects but.

There is the class FloatArray which works on a primitive array of 32-
bit floats, but only very basic operations are supported by the  

- Bert -

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Re: Primitives and array computation

Frederic Dambreville
In reply to this post by Frederic Dambreville
> Generally, no. It's also hard to do in a general Array, since each
> Float is a full object, any arithmetic on it does unboxing and boxing

The way I use it, this implies a strong limitation of squeak; each
algorithm with intensive mathematical computation will need a
dedicated primitive...

> of a newly allocated Float object. To speed this up considerably you
> would have to create primitive array that do not hold objects but.


So, I understand that I need:
- intermediate classes, for storing 'true' arrays,
- translators for converting to/from standard squeak classes from/to
these intermediate classes,
- primitives for array computation on these classes
or something like that.

A lot of work...
Are there people, which have already done a part of the job? Or are
interested by such classes and primitives?


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Re: Primitives and array computation

Nicolas Cellier-3
Frederic Dambreville a écrit :

>> Generally, no. It's also hard to do in a general Array, since each
>> Float is a full object, any arithmetic on it does unboxing and boxing
> OK!
> The way I use it, this implies a strong limitation of squeak; each
> algorithm with intensive mathematical computation will need a
> dedicated primitive...
>> of a newly allocated Float object. To speed this up considerably you
>> would have to create primitive array that do not hold objects but.
> ?'but'?
> So, I understand that I need:
> - intermediate classes, for storing 'true' arrays,
> - translators for converting to/from standard squeak classes from/to
> these intermediate classes,
> - primitives for array computation on these classes
> or something like that.
> A lot of work...
> Are there people, which have already done a part of the job? Or are
> interested by such classes and primitives?
> Thanks,
> FD

When you think of it, it's pretty well the case of Matlab:

Matlab interpreter is very inefficient.
(Don't you write a loop in matlab !).
And each arithmetic computation
    a = b*c;
allocates a mxArray... like Smalltalk will allocate a Float...

However, Matlab has much of the needed array primitives.
Given that, the idea is to implement such array primitives in Smalltalk too.
I started to interface Blas and Lapack to Smalltalk, this is called
Smallapack (search with google).

Though i have a decently working version under Visualworks and Dolphin,
the Squeak one is unfortunately bleding edge (that means the tests do
not pass, worse, they can crash or block your image).

By now, i'm not working on it.
But if you want to use it as a starting point, i can provide some help.



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Re: Re: Primitives and array computation

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by Frederic Dambreville

Am 10.07.2008 um 22:09 schrieb Frederic Dambreville:

>> Generally, no. It's also hard to do in a general Array, since each
>> Float is a full object, any arithmetic on it does unboxing and boxing
> OK!
> The way I use it, this implies a strong limitation of squeak; each
> algorithm with intensive mathematical computation will need a
> dedicated primitive...
>> of a newly allocated Float object. To speed this up considerably you
>> would have to create primitive array that do not hold objects but.
> ?'but'?

... but instead hold floats directly so that primitives can operate  
without boxing and unboxing. This is how FloatArray works.

> So, I understand that I need:
> - intermediate classes, for storing 'true' arrays,
> - translators for converting to/from standard squeak classes from/to
> these intermediate classes,
> - primitives for array computation on these classes
> or something like that.
> A lot of work...
> Are there people, which have already done a part of the job? Or are
> interested by such classes and primitives?

See Nic's mail.

- Bert -

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Re: Re: Primitives and array computation

Yoshiki Ohshima-2
In reply to this post by Frederic Dambreville
> So, I understand that I need:
> - intermediate classes, for storing 'true' arrays,
> - translators for converting to/from standard squeak classes from/to
> these intermediate classes,
> - primitives for array computation on these classes
> or something like that.

  The KedamaPlugin2 has some more operations defined, including the
mixed FloatArray and WordArray operations, and operations with

  The following is probably a squeak-dev topic, but one thing that is
conceivable is to have a primitive that takes a function name as
string ('cos', 'sin', etc.) and in the primitive, it looks up the
symbol in various library can call it:

  primApply: aString toArray: aFloatArray into: resultArray

      self var: 'val' type 'double'.
      func := dlsym(aString).
      0 to: aFloatArray size -1 do: [:i|
         val := aFloatArray at: i.
         resultArray at: i put: (self cCode: '(*func)(val)').


-- Yoshiki
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Re: Primitives and array computation

Frederic Dambreville
In reply to this post by Frederic Dambreville
> When you think of it, it's pretty well the case of Matlab:
That's it. Actually, I was also thinking about something like the J

> Though i have a decently working version under Visualworks and Dolphin,
> the Squeak one is unfortunately bleding edge (that means the tests do
> not pass, worse, they can crash or block your image).
> By now, i'm not working on it.
> But if you want to use it as a starting point, i can provide some help.
I will look at it. However,  my contribution in the close future will be
restricted  to my current  need (a Bellman-like equation propagation).

See you,


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Re: Re: Primitives and array computation

David Finlayson-4
It is interesting to look at the Computer Language Benchmarks Game and
see the relative speed of dynamic vs statically typed languages on
micro-benchmarks (these are math heavy tests). I didn't look at the
Lisp derivatives to see if they were using dynamic or static typing (I
believe they can use either as required), but it looks like the
fastest purely dynamically typed language I've used is Python with
Psyco. That is about 7x slower than the fastest C++ implementation.
The fastest smalltalk in the game is VisualWorks at about 10x slower
than C++ and Squeak is about 50x slower than C++.

I understand in theory it is possible to have good performance out of
dynamicly typed languages, but it seems the only way to get good
performance today is to punt out of your dynamic language into a C or
Fortran library for all the heavy lifting. It's a shame really. In
fact, I think there is a high-speed compiler for Smalltalk that is
typeless, but it was swallowed by Sun before it took off.


On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 4:27 PM, Frederic Dambreville
<[hidden email]> wrote:

>> When you think of it, it's pretty well the case of Matlab:
> That's it. Actually, I was also thinking about something like the J
> language.
>> Though i have a decently working version under Visualworks and Dolphin,
>> the Squeak one is unfortunately bleding edge (that means the tests do not
>> pass, worse, they can crash or block your image).
>> By now, i'm not working on it.
>> But if you want to use it as a starting point, i can provide some help.
> I will look at it. However,  my contribution in the close future will be
> restricted  to my current  need (a Bellman-like equation propagation).
> See you,
> FD
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