Problem taking screen shot (Squeak 4.1 Ubuntu 10.04)

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Problem taking screen shot (Squeak 4.1 Ubuntu 10.04)

Ralph Boland
I attempted to take a screen shot of my Squeak 4.1 image (I am running
Ubuntu 10.04) using "print PS to file ..."  but it crashed with error:


in PluggableButtonMorphPlus>>drawOn:

where shotDCSPostscriptCanvas is a DSCPostscriptCanvas.

Is this a known problem?/ should I generate a bug report?
Is there another way to generate a screenshot such as a gif file?


Ralph Boland

P.S.  I ran into a similar problem with Squeak 10.2.

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Re: Problem taking screen shot (Squeak 4.1 Ubuntu 10.04)

Bert Freudenberg

On 02.08.2010, at 19:41, Ralph Boland wrote:

> I attempted to take a screen shot of my Squeak 4.1 image (I am running
> Ubuntu 10.04) using "print PS to file ..."  but it crashed with error:
>        shotDSCPostscriptCanvas(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
>      #frameAndFillRoundRect:radius:fillStyle:borderWidth:borderColor:
> in PluggableButtonMorphPlus>>drawOn:
> where shotDCSPostscriptCanvas is a DSCPostscriptCanvas.
> Is this a known problem?/ should I generate a bug report?

A fix would be better ;)

The PostScript export tries to render all morphs as post script objects, this is not a pixel-screenshot. It cannot reproduce everything correctly but it will try.

> Is there another way to generate a screenshot such as a gif file?

Yes, it's in the halo menu's "export..." sub menu.

- Bert -

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Re: Problem taking screen shot (Squeak 4.1 Ubuntu 10.04)

Chris Muller-3
In reply to this post by Ralph Boland
The PostscriptCanvas is a seprate hierarchy than FormCanvas, so you
might try moving
frameAndFillRoundRect:radius:fillStyle:borderWidth:borderColor: up to
Canvas; I haven't tried it or researched it, but I had a similar
problem with balloonFillOval:... back in 3.9 and that was my

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Ralph Boland <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I attempted to take a screen shot of my Squeak 4.1 image (I am running
> Ubuntu 10.04) using "print PS to file ..."  but it crashed with error:
>        shotDSCPostscriptCanvas(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
>      #frameAndFillRoundRect:radius:fillStyle:borderWidth:borderColor:
> in PluggableButtonMorphPlus>>drawOn:
> where shotDCSPostscriptCanvas is a DSCPostscriptCanvas.
> Is this a known problem?/ should I generate a bug report?
> Is there another way to generate a screenshot such as a gif file?
> Regards,
> Ralph Boland
> P.S.  I ran into a similar problem with Squeak 10.2.

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Re: Problem taking screen shot (Squeak 4.1 Ubuntu 10.04)

In reply to this post by Ralph Boland
On 8/2/2010 10:41 AM, Ralph Boland wrote:
> Is there another way to generate a screenshot such as a gif file?

I've just replaced the menu entry with a simple 'make screenshot' that
makes a screenshot and saves it to a file named SqueakScreen.X.png.
Holler if you want postscript stuff back in the menu (but send a fix
first! :-)

   - Andreas