When I logged into OpenCobalt (opencobalt-1.0alpha1rc32) using my GMail account as a Jabber server, I immediately started getting walkbacks when it tried to get pictures for my buddy list. The problem resulted from:
JabberClient>>getPhotoFor: ===> JabberClient >>collectVcardResult: ===> IMClient>>buddyWithId: which uses 'noID' to search through (#includesKey:) the buddy Dictionary. Eventually this resulted in JabberID>>= being called with ByteString 'noID' as the "other" argument. In here 'noID' is sent the message JabberID>>node. Game over!
I added, as the first statement in JabberID>>=, the guard code: self class = other class ifFalse: [ ^ false ]. Seems to work.
BTW, I'm attempting to use the Jabber client in Croquet/OpenCobalt in connection with Seaside (as the most mature Jabber client in Squeak?).