Problem with external plugins with automated XCode project

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Problem with external plugins with automated XCode project

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi guys. One of the things I really love of CMake is the ability to create out of the box makefiles for XCode. However, today I found a problem: the external plugins are wrong.

Suppose from CMakeVMMaker I set

outputDir -> /Users/mariano/Pharo/vm/git/cogVM2/blessed/results    (which is the default)

Then, if I do cmake . and  make, everything is fine, the files are placed correctly:

Plugins: outputDir/

Executable: outputDir/

Resources:  outputDir/

But...if I do cmake -G Xcode and then a "build and debug" inside XCode, these are the generated binaries:

Plugins: outputDir/

Executable: outputDir/Debug/

Resources:  outputDir/Debug/

Which of course, are incorrect, and plugins are put in a different place than the VM.

It seems it is adding a /Debug  in some places. If you have give me any hint, I would really appreaciate. I can set XCode attributes from CMakeVMMaker, but I have no idea which attribute may I be needing.

Thanks a lot in advance,
