Well, I tried to implement serveral TWindows containing projectlinks, webbrowsers, ...
But only the TWindow last added to the space shows contents. The other TWindows seem to be empty.
I had it going for a while, but now after the updates something is wrong.
Here's an example for on TWindow:
makeProjectLink: aSpace
| win1 win2 project1 project2 |
project1 := TEmbeddedApp name: #TMorphicWorld extent: 1024@768
data: {#makeProjectLink: .'Programming Tools'}.
win1 := TWindow new.
win1 translationX: 18 y: 5.0 z: -10.0.
win1 extent: 20.
win1 contents: project1.
win1 openContents.
aSpace addChild: win1.
project2 := self makeMorphic: (MessageSend
receiver: MorphicWorldHost
selector: #makeProjectLink:extent:from:
argument: 'RotationCube')
extent: 1024@768.
win2 := TWindow new.
win2 translationX: 8 y: 0.0 z: -20.0.
win2 contents: project2.
win2 openContents.
aSpace addChild: win2.
Well, maybe some of you guys have an idea?!