Programatically keep image up to date

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Programatically keep image up to date

What is/are the recommended way/s to retaining my image customizations
(mostly MC packages loaded, but ideally other environment customizations
like preferences, keyboard shortcuts, preferred browsers, etc.) when I
replace my image?

I am currently thinking of having a MC package with
    MyImage class>>initialize
        self customizeImage

Where should I look when implementing #customizeImage? Installer? LPF?

Thanks - Sophie

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Re: Programatically keep image up to date

Bert Freudenberg
On Jan 25, 2008, at 16:47 , itsme213 wrote:

> What is/are the recommended way/s to retaining my image customizations
> (mostly MC packages loaded, but ideally other environment  
> customizations
> like preferences, keyboard shortcuts, preferred browsers, etc.) when I
> replace my image?

Why do you feel the need to switch images often? I usually only use  
one image ... which naturally keeps all the customizations :)

- Bert -

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Re: Programatically keep image up to date

"Bert Freudenberg" <[hidden email]> wrote

> Why do you feel the need to switch images often? I usually only use  one
> image ... which naturally keeps all the customizations :)

Not often, but when I do it is quite a pain. e.g. I want to try out
different packages over some extended time, so I have to save intermediate
images. Or I want to try to remove Traits from a 3.9 image so I can try out
ContextS without losing 3.9 (is there a 3.9 without traits). Or, I want to
upgrade 3.9 to 3.10.

Of course I may not be doing any of these the way that ThoseInTheKnow do
them :-)

Thanks - Sophie

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Re: Re: Programatically keep image up to date

Edgar J. De Cleene

El 1/25/08 1:35 PM, "itsme213" <[hidden email]> escribió:

> I want to  upgrade 3.9 to 3.10.

Better you start with Squeak3.10.gamma.7159.image and customize to your
3.10 is the first step towards smaller images.
In fact , this days I testing how to remove ('SMBase' 'SUnit' 'SUnitGUI'
'ScriptLoader' 'Universes' 'Installer' )
        do: [:ea | (MCPackage named: ea) unload.

And 'Tests' , 'Sunit' for going closer to MinimalMorphic.

All this could be loaded from squeaksource if needed and is the way to have
the image today.

By the way if you discover how do not have Traits in 3.10 and beyond, share
with us.

But some here are conservative people and dislike all different :=)


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Re: Re: Programatically keep image up to date

Herbert König
In reply to this post by Sophie424
Hi Sophie,

i> Of course I may not be doing any of these the way that ThoseInTheKnow do
i> them :-)

None of ThoseInTheKnow but I switched an image after maybe three years
of work. I approached the changes file limit (be carful not to cross

Here's what to do:

I have a "whatToLoad" pointing to *local* copies of the packages.
I don't need a list of my own mcz.
To save me from my own foolishness every relevant class has a "file in
/ file out" protocol which saves valuable objects via Reference

What I really hate to loose are the gazillion of workspaces or Morphs
where I illustrate my ideas but having learned that (see a recent
thread in Squeak dev) saving projects works if you have a browser open
in offending projects, moving those is easy too.   But *not* across
Squeak versions!

So the time to switch an image mainly depends on how fast the new
image can digest all the mcz and objects. I drop the mcz on an image,
drop the projects (each also saves and loads its subprojects). Then I
go to the workspace where I have the snippets to load the objects.

I could stuff all this into a script but I prefer it otherwise.

Changing Squeak version is a totally different beast. I read you're
into a commercial application. After you have deployed to a certain
number of customers you simply don't want to do it :-))


Herbert                            mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: Re: Programatically keep image up to date

"Herbert König" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> Here's what to do:...

Thank you, Herbert.

> What I really hate to loose are the gazillion of workspaces or Morphs
> where I illustrate my ideas

How do you illustrate your ideas in workspaces and Morphs? Code snippets?
Drawing? Browsers on objects?

> I drop the mcz on an image

I would love to know more if you mean that literally.

- Sophie

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Re: Re: Re: Programatically keep image up to date

Herbert König
Hello Sophie,

resent, beginners has a 40k limit per post, squeak dev has 100k.

In Squeak dev, June 24th 2007 I sent a picture subject re: Friends of

i> How do you illustrate your ideas in workspaces and Morphs? Code snippets?
i> Drawing? Browsers on objects?

everything on your list. Pictures are too big for the list, but I can
send you some by mail.  The one attached is an idea containing the how
in the graphics and the why (and part of the how) in the workspaces.

Oh and I took money for assembling the BlobMorph with the MovingEye
and let it crawl over the screen :-))

I draw GUI's by using Morphs and place notes and the names of the
widgets into it. Sometimes, as the project evolves I replace the
Morphs with the real widgets. But I stop in mid way as soon as the
"real thing" is alive enough to play with.

Sometimes I use two projects just to have the software in two
states of the GUI. Right click (Win) on the World to get the personal
menu, bottom entry is "personalise". There I enter the projects I want
to switch rapidly.
a menu add: 'the text line' translated
  target: (Project namedWithDepth 'projects name')
  action: #enter

Real fast if you disable "project zoom" in the preferences.

i> I would love to know more if you mean that literally.

literally, a popup will ask you what to do.

Works for many things (pictures, music, .st, .cs, .mcz) a try doesn't
hurt (i hope) :-)


Herbert                            mailto:[hidden email]

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