Programmatically manipulating the mouse

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Programmatically manipulating the mouse

Aidan Gauland

  Earlier today I was trying to figure out how to manipulate the mouse by
sending messages to ActiveHand.  I tried using HandMorph>>position: (did I
write that correctly?), but it did nothing.  What I evaluated in a workspace
was "ActiveHand position: (40@35)" (and a few variants on that to be sure I
got the syntax right).  If it helps anyone give advice, what I'm try
ing to do is create a class to give the mouse inertia.

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Re: Programmatically manipulating the mouse

Bert Freudenberg

Am 11.09.2008 um 11:33 schrieb Aidan Gauland:

> Hello,
> Earlier today I was trying to figure out how to manipulate the mouse  
> by sending messages to ActiveHand.  I tried using  
> HandMorph>>position: (did I write that correctly?), but it did  
> nothing.  What I evaluated in a workspace was "ActiveHand position:  
> (40@35)" (and a few variants on that to be sure I got the syntax  
> right).  If it helps anyone give advice, what I'm try
> ing to do is create a class to give the mouse inertia.

Morphic supports multiple hands. You should not manipulate the user's  
hand but a secondary one. See for example HandMorphForReplay.
- Bert -

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Re: Programmatically manipulating the mouse

Aidan Gauland
Actually, now that I think about it a bit more, this sort of thing might not
be a good idea to do in Squeak, since it would be hard to control the
environment while the mouse is being controlled by a buggy process.

But what CAN I do to the mouse?  Could I make it temporarily invisible in, for
example, a large game where the mouse would just get in the way?  Can I change
its appearance on the screen?  I can't seem find out much using the browser.


> Morphic supports multiple hands. You should not manipulate the user's
> hand but a secondary one. See for example HandMorphForReplay.
> - Bert -

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Re: Programmatically manipulating the mouse

K. K. Subramaniam
On Saturday 13 Sep 2008 9:26:02 am Aidan Gauland wrote:
> But what CAN I do to the mouse?  Could I make it temporarily invisible in,
> for example, a large game where the mouse would just get in the way?  Can I
> change its appearance on the screen?  I can't seem find out much using the
> browser.
Take a look at Cursor class. It controls the appearance of the cursor. You
could also look at the senders of showWhile: for examples on how to change
cursors for a short while.

HTH .. Subbu
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