Prompter Class

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Prompter Class


I am currently going through the Dispatcher Tutorial in Dan Shafer and Dean A.
Ritz's "Practical SmallTalk".

On page 32, they suggest creating a Prompter in a Workspace, as follows:

| anotherItem |
anotherItem := Prompter prompt:
   'Something to prioritize? '
   default: '' .
   ^ anotherItem

The only problem is that the Prompter Class does not exist in Squeak or bears a
different name. Could someone please tell me what Squeak's equivalent to the
Smalltalk/V Prompter class is?

Here's the authors' definition of the Smalltalk/V Prompter Class:

"A Smalltalk/V Prompter is a small window with one TextPane that poses a
question to the user in its top line, or header area, and allows the user to
type in an answer in the bottom".

Many thanks.

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Re: Prompter Class

Jerome Peace
[Newbies] Prompter Class

FillInTheBlank request: 'Something to prioritize? '

Browse class for more details.


Yours in service and curiosity, --Jerome Peace

>phiroc at phiroc at
>Wed Aug 22 12:43:09 UTC 2007
>I am currently going through the Dispatcher Tutorial
in Dan Shafer and Dean A.
>Ritz's "Practical SmallTalk".
>On page 32, they suggest creating a Prompter in a
Workspace, as follows:
>| anotherItem |
>anotherItem := Prompter prompt:
>   'Something to prioritize? '
>   default: '' .
>   ^ anotherItem
>The only problem is that the Prompter Class does not
exist in Squeak or bears
>different name. Could someone please tell me what
Squeak's equivalent to the
>Smalltalk/V Prompter class is?
>Here's the authors' definition of the Smalltalk/V
Prompter Class:
>"A Smalltalk/V Prompter is a small window with one
TextPane that poses a
>question to the user in its top line, or header area,
and allows the user to
>type in an answer in the bottom".
>Many thanks.

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