[Q] How you know author of methods in some Class ?
I using some like:
Utilities methodsWithInitials: 'edc' inClass: Object
And for it
CompiledMethod author
self timeStamp isEmpty
ifTrue: [^ 'unknown']
ifFalse: [^ self timeStamp substrings first]
My old implementation is
Utilities class methodsWithInitials:inClass:
methodsWithInitials: targetInitials inClass: aClass
"Based on a do-it contributed to the Squeak mailing list by Göran
Hultgen: Browse methods whose initials (in the time-stamp, as logged to
disk) match the given initials.
Print out the complete time-stamp table to the Transcript.
Answer a list of (initials -> count) associations.
CAUTION: It may take several minutes for this to complete."
"Time millisecondsToRun: [Utilities methodsWithInitials: 'bf']"
| methodList methodListClass |
methodList := aClass methodDict
select: [:cm | cm author = targetInitials].
methodListClass := aClass class methodDict
select: [:cm | cm author = targetInitials].
^ methodList , methodListClass
Pros, Cons, better ways?
Like to go Trunk if possible...