[Q] how to stop a long sound

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[Q] how to stop a long sound

Young-Jin Lee-3

Is there a way to stop a long sound before it finishes? I found that Etoys’ Sound Library can stop the sound being played, but the “stop sound” command tile in the sound category does not work. Once sound starts by executing the “make sound XXX” command tile, executing the “stop sound” command tile has no effect.

Thanks for your help.

Young-Jin Lee
squeakland mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [Q] how to stop a long sound

Karl Ramberg
Sound playing tries to be graceful by only stopping one of the sounds playing, but that sometimes fails.

You can make a textual script that stops all sound playing:

SoundPlayer stopPlayingAll


On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 6:35 PM, Young-Jin Lee <[hidden email]> wrote:

Is there a way to stop a long sound before it finishes? I found that Etoys’ Sound Library can stop the sound being played, but the “stop sound” command tile in the sound category does not work. Once sound starts by executing the “make sound XXX” command tile, executing the “stop sound” command tile has no effect.

Thanks for your help.

Young-Jin Lee
squeakland mailing list
[hidden email]

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