Esto es un ISV: ISV is...
An Independent Software Vendor, also known as software authors. They
are software developers who sell software that they (usually) write
Some use the term "MicroISV", which means very small companies...
sometimes only the software developer alone, sometimes him/her and few
partners, or maybe him and his reflection in the mirror.
Often, ISVs are self-funded start-ups. They don't have big investors,
instead they have an idea, a computer, and a will to work for
In times past, ISVs were called Shareware Authors. (That was before
"shareware" became a dirty word.)
In 10 or 15 years, there will probably be a new way to describe us.
But for now, the generally accepted term is "ISV".
Yo soy uno de esos, me gustó esta definición tan concreta y la quise
compartir con Uds.
Salud el Bar!
Germán S. Arduino <gsa @> Twitter: garduino
Arduino Software