En este momento se esta realizando en Praga la ESUG 2016 vi e el Apple TV el Welcome y la charla sobre Spur.
Tengo en la mira la que dieron ayer sobre Mission Pharo Kernel
Y esta que copio los detalles
Continuous Integration and Deployment for Smalltalk Projects - A Tutorial
using GitHub, Travis CI, and Squeak
WhenTue, August 23, 4:30pm 5:00pm
DescriptionFirst Name: Fabio Last Name: Niephaus Email:
[hidden email]
Title: Continuous Integration and Deployment for Smalltalk Projects - A
Tutorial using GitHub, Travis CI, and Squeak Type: Tutorial Abstract: In
this session, Fabio Niephaus will demonstrate how to test and deploy
Smalltalk projects that are hosted on GitHub with Travis CI. For this, he
will present smalltalkCI ( ), a
continuous integration (CI) framework for Smalltalk, which currently
supports Squeak, Pharo, and GemStone. The tutorial covers the following
topics: - How to set up CI testing for Smalltalk projects on GitHub - How to
deploy Smalltalk images and other build artifacts - How to use smalltalkCI
locally - How to contribute to smalltalkCI Bio: Fabio Niephaus is a graduate
student from the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany with interests
in programming languages, virtual machines, and software architectures. He
is a member of the Squeak/Smalltalk community, a core maintainer of
smalltalkCI, and he currently works on the RSqueak/VM
( ) as part of his studies.
Les cuento que ya que por razones de peso(s) se ha postergado el arribo de
Dawn al Palazzo y por ende el trabajo en el
Apple Developer Program <>
* What's Included <>
* How It Works <>
Asi que para matar el tiempo me embarque en la construcción del
FunSqueak5dot1 , que con la ayuda de los santos milagrosos que vendrán todos
en mi ayuda si mi garganta se añuda (Martin Fierro, para los iletrados) ,
tendré casi cocinado para el Smalltalks 2016 dice que será en Tucumán para Noviembre , sin confirmar aun.
Asi que si algún estudiante que este al gas (no digo al pedo porque quedaria
feo) y desee conocer a Fama y Fortuna, esas locas divinas, me avisa.
Que les garue finito