Quick Start Poster in English and Spanish

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Quick Start Poster in English and Spanish

Harness, Kathleen
Hello All,
The Quick Start Poster has been updated to Etoys 4.1 and is available on EtoysIllinois. http://etoysillinois.org/resources.php?subpage=QuickStartPoster

Carlos Rabassa, http://rapceibal.blogspot.com, translated it into Spanish.

We hope you find the new poster useful. Please let me know if additional revisions are needed.
Kathleen Harness

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Quick Start Poster in English and Spanish

Rita Freudenberg

On Feb 2, 2011, at 7:06 PM, <kharness at illinois.edu> wrote:

> Hello All,
> The Quick Start Poster has been updated to Etoys 4.1 and is available on EtoysIllinois. http://etoysillinois.org/resources.php?subpage=QuickStartPoster

Great job, Kathleen!


> Carlos Rabassa, http://rapceibal.blogspot.com, translated it into Spanish.
> We hope you find the new poster useful. Please let me know if additional revisions are needed.
> Regards,
> Kathleen Harness
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