Quick testing of Etoys on Windows7

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Quick testing of Etoys on Windows7

Hi all.
As Rita is trying to run Etoys on Windows7 (discussed in squeak-dev),
I also tried it :-)

I had to make small twaek on installer script;
It checkes windows version and change file layout and replace some
file (browser plugin).
The trick was Win7 has its own version number "6.1" that the script
was't aware of,
(Vista is 6.0). Win7 is very similar to vista, so I made the script do
same stuff for win7.

With modified installer, Etoys is installed successfully, run without
gotchas during making security key,
run in IE8 (without protection mode though).
This is just result quick testing.,,   I will test it extensively.

How can I contribute the modified scripts?


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Re: [Etoys] Quick testing of Etoys on Windows7

Yoshiki Ohshima-2
At Wed, 25 Mar 2009 21:37:30 +0900,
Korakurider wrote:

> Hi all.
> As Rita is trying to run Etoys on Windows7 (discussed in squeak-dev),
> I also tried it :-)
> I had to make small twaek on installer script;
> It checkes windows version and change file layout and replace some
> file (browser plugin).
> The trick was Win7 has its own version number "6.1" that the script
> was't aware of,
> (Vista is 6.0). Win7 is very similar to vista, so I made the script do
> same stuff for win7.
> With modified installer, Etoys is installed successfully, run without
> gotchas during making security key,
> run in IE8 (without protection mode though).
> This is just result quick testing.,,   I will test it extensively.
> How can I contribute the modified scripts?

  Thank you for trying this!


is the repository, which I think I still have the commit right.  But
making an issue at http://tracker.squeakland.org/ and attach file
would be appreciated!

-- Yoshiki

Squeakland mailing list
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Re: [Etoys] Quick testing of Etoys on Windows7

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Yoshiki Ohshima <[hidden email]> wrote:

> At Wed, 25 Mar 2009 21:37:30 +0900,
> Korakurider wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> As Rita is trying to run Etoys on Windows7 (discussed in squeak-dev),
>> I also tried it :-)
>> I had to make small twaek on installer script;
>> It checkes windows version and change file layout and replace some
>> file (browser plugin).
>> The trick was Win7 has its own version number "6.1" that the script
>> was't aware of,
>> (Vista is 6.0). Win7 is very similar to vista, so I made the script do
>> same stuff for win7.
>> With modified installer, Etoys is installed successfully, run without
>> gotchas during making security key,
>> run in IE8 (without protection mode though).
>> This is just result quick testing.,,   I will test it extensively.
>> How can I contribute the modified scripts?
>  Thank you for trying this!
> http://svn.squeakland.org/installers/
> is the repository, which I think I still have the commit right.  But
> making an issue at http://tracker.squeakland.org/ and attach file
> would be appreciated!
      Sorry for slooow response...
      please review attached files in

     And I could reproduce vm crash that might be same one that Rita
reported in squeak-dev.
     The crash dump is attached.
     I observed the crash several times just after rebooting, but
after that vm starts successfully.

> -- Yoshiki
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vmcrash.jpg (30K) Download Attachment
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Re: [Etoys] Quick testing of Etoys on Windows7

Korakurider wrote:
>       Sorry for slooow response...
>       please review attached files in
> http://tracker.squeakland.org/browse/SQ-235
>      And I could reproduce vm crash that might be same one that Rita
> reported in squeak-dev.
>      The crash dump is attached.
>      I observed the crash several times just after rebooting, but
> after that vm starts successfully.

The stack dump from the crash is pretty clear in such that it dies in
OggDriver class>>isAvailable. So it seems that somehow the Ogg plugin is
causing the crash. You could try to remove the Ogg plugin entirely; I'm
pretty sure that would avoid those problems

   - Andreas

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