RE: [Box-Admins] Down

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RE: [Box-Admins] Down

Ken Causey-3
With Chris Cunnington's assistance I believe is back
up and running correctly.  We spent a while trying to figure out what
went wrong but ultimately ended up just restoring the most recently
backed up images/changes and restarting it.

The backup is only about 5 hours old so hopefully nothing was lost.
That said it was noticed that the most recent addition to the inbox
(Morphic-kb.619.mcz from Balázs Kósi) has no corresponding
notification on the packages list.  The entry in SqueakSource for it
seems to be fine and the mcz in the file system tests find with unzip -t
as being a complete zip file.  So it seems the server failure occurred
at some point while sending the email notification, which is not to say
it is actually directly related to sending the notification.

Anyway, if you have done anything on today, it's
probably worth a few minutes to confirm it was not overwritten by
restoring from backup.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Box-Admins] Down
> From: Ken Causey <[hidden email]>
> Date: Tue, May 22, 2012 11:19 am
> To: Squeak Hosting Support <[hidden email]>,
> The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]>
> About 20-30 minutes ago I did my usual rounds checking the status of
> the services we host on the community server.  I found that
> was only serving up a small part of the HTML of the
> page and then stopping.  I tried restarting it but this did not change
> anything.  So I shut it down again, started up a VNC server instance
> for it, and restarted it at which point it is now running under VNC.
> On connecting via VNC I found that for some reason on the service
> (HTTPService/TCPService) it is finding it's desired port, 9090,
> already in the assigned ports list.  I'm working out what is going on,
> or at least trying to get it running properly again now.
> It has been a while since I've fiddled much with Seaside and related.
> If anyone would like to assist it would be appreciated.  You can find
> me on Skype (kencausey) if you like.
> Ken